Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] with [pers pn] on " in BNC.

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1 Well the only thing we have a problem on ‘ Sonnet ’ with , Luke , so far as I can see anyway , and I know Jeff agrees with me on this — right Jeff ? — and so does Jim incidentally , Luke , ’ said Joe , ‘ is the form . ’
2 I mean you get Sweet Fanny Adams done with them on the run up to Christmas anyway , E.l.S .
3 ‘ I 'm hoping to see something of Czechoslovakia while I 'm here , ’ she replied , but as it suddenly struck her that the silence emanating from Ven Gajdusek was decidedly chilly — and since the last thing she needed was to be bad friends with him if he objected to Lubor Ondrus flirting with her on his time , ‘ But now I must return to my hotel , ’ she added .
4 In this respect I was indeed fortunate to have such sensitive , understanding and adroit colleagues as Tony Geluch , Jimmy Gilmore and Don Horne working with me on hundreds of productions over my nine years at CBR .
5 I wonder what time , the other night , Trevor had with them on his own ?
6 I wonder what kind of a night Trevor had with them on his own ?
7 ‘ And may God go with you on your epic journey . ’
8 At the peak of the agitation more than 12,000 troops were stationed in the disturbed regions of the Midlands and the North — more soldiers than Wellington took with him on his first expedition to Portugal in 1808 in the Peninsular War .
9 After Cross and Wilson had moved to Jamaica , taking the painter Eve Discher with them to act as their housekeeper , Minton stayed with them on his visit to that country in 1950 .
10 His most regular companions were artists , several of whom , such as Walter Crane , Sir George Frampton [ qq.v. ] , and Robert Anning Bell collaborated with him on his buildings .
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