Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] to me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When Pat came to me in the autumn of 1989 she was suffering from osteoarthritis of the neck and spine with accompanying raised blood pressure .
2 George Kidner came to me in a great state of mind because he has been asked to appear before a committee consisting of C. Bathurst , Peto & C. Mills & sitting at Central Office .
3 Yes , to be fair Jenny came in er , on Friday to talk to me about it , but I just did n't have time , I was rushing off to a meeting so I 've
4 A chubby young man called Laird Cregar appealed to me as a suspect , if only because he had the habit of being seen loitering around places where beautiful women had just been strangled .
5 ‘ HE HAS nursed Northern Ireland like a marginal constituency , ’ the Duke of Abercorn remarked to me of Richard Needham in the early hours of Friday morning .
6 Letterman confided to me after one of our tennis games that my pieces in Manhattan had always struck him as somewhat trivial — artifices — until he read my piece ‘ Drancy , Ante-chamber of Death ’ .
7 Like Penny did to me in my room today .
8 Yeah but you say to her that they 're always on about how s Shrimpy ca n't do anything for himself , and it 's between Emma , it 's not between it was al even Scott said to me at the beginning oh it 's not between me , it 's nothing to do with me , it 's between Emma and Scott .
9 Your Pat said to me on Sunday while I was talking to her , she said , when she was saying oh well she does n't know whether to vote Tory because
10 That weekend is also memorable for something Dana said to me in the train on the way back to Salamanca : ‘ I knew you were gay as soon as I saw you that morning in the galleria . ’
11 The next day Chudnovsky came to me in tears , ‘ You know , nothing can be done ’ .
12 Pauline Singleton wrote to me regarding her success on the Hip and Thigh Diet .
13 He added : ‘ Scotland manager Andy Roxburgh said to me after the European Championship in Sweden , ‘ You 'll be surprised how you feel — it took me two years to feel they were my players . ’
14 When the red light went out after my closing announcement , Mr Murray turned to me with a broad grin ‘ Was that all right ? ’ he asked , and I shook his hand acknowledging his ad-lib masterpiece .
15 Alyce Faye chats to me about Cynthia , John and Connie Booth 's daughter .
16 Jackson turned to me with pleading in his voice .
17 Before she left for Moscow , Semenyaka talked to me about the British public 's fond picture of Russians as a nation of artists , who dance because they need to .
18 Patterson listened to me in silence , then said , ‘ I just do n't believe it , ’ a couple of times to himself .
19 I thought that , and I 'm not an expert in but I thought this was a penetrating critique and all goes well for how the department is handling in a very difficult starting situation , a most important matter but there is Mr spoke to me about this paper and er I think we will have to hear what Mr had to say , I do n't know who 's going to report that .
20 After we had talked , Philip read to me from an unpublished memoir which he had entitled ‘ The Two Burtons ’ .
21 Anna refers to me as il pollice nero .
22 These memories which are summoned here in Africa seem to me like tendrils of vines attaching themselves to me .
23 The description , however , of the restrictive effect of the civil law of libel given by Brennan J. seems to me to be fairly applicable to the civil law of libel of this country .
24 We discussed also the so-called ‘ spiritual , manifestations , about which Lady Byron wrote to me with great feeling .
25 ‘ Two years ago Adai talked to me about the AOL .
26 All this was information that Kirsty revealed to me during the course of the regression session while she was under hypnosis .
27 The story of Bosnia seems to me to be a betrayal that involves all of us , all Europe ; a betrayal of something unique and valuable and worth defending .
28 Now what is God saying to me through this passage ? … and you find yourself ruminating on the things you are anxious about , and you start to relate this to the person you are .
29 Your correspondent Mr. Pike wrote to me before writing to you about his diesel tacho .
30 France seemed to me to be more exciting , more mysterious .
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