Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] so [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 West Germany has so far denied , although with a detectable degree of ambiguity , that any deal was made , preferring to point to the humanitarian reasons for allowing an evacuation of the embassy , and the pressure supposedly exerted on East Germany by the Soviet Union to bring the occupation to a speedy end .
2 … the city of Chichester doth so fast decay and run to ruine , and the multitude inhabiting there so fast growe too beggary that except for remedy thereof some speedy order bee taken it is very likely the multitude of poor in the liberty of that city increasing will cause the better sorte ( being few that can contribute towards the releefe of the poore ) by reason of charges to wex weery of inhabiting the city .
3 Mrs Lamport has so far had 26 rejection slips for her book .
4 The pattern of ultrasonics at Rollright has so far remained elusive .
5 UI , an $11m affair , wants to retain its input into X/Open , but unless it can come to an arrangement over some other form of membership which OSF has so far failed to secure , it is likely to turn in its cards at the end of the year .
6 The Syrian Information Minister , Mr Mohammed Salman , said : ‘ The only reason Syria has so far discounted the military option to end Gen Aoun 's rebellion is its desire to avert huge losses among civilians in the eastern sector of Beirut .
7 It is dispersals of this People 's University of books bequeathed by the Victorians and their successors up to the postwar years that are the real reason for the library 's losing its soul , as Richard Hoggart so aptly put it .
8 This was obviously not Silvia , Guido 's cousin with whom Jeff had so unwisely fallen in love !
9 But he felt that McAllister had to pay something back for all the fairy-tales which she had told Matey and himself , and which Matey had so gullibly swallowed .
10 Polybius does not utter one word about the anti-Roman oracles Antisthenes had so fully reported .
11 It should be noted that the largest threat to totalizing control of schools in Ireland has so far come from the integrated schooling movement .
12 Ukraine has so far escaped the bitter division between presidency and parliament seen in Russia , partly because Mr Kravchuk is by no means the reformer that Boris Yeltsin likes to appear .
13 Welsh National Opera staged Le Comte Ory last year , but ENO has so far managed only a flaccid revival of its Barber .
14 As that ‘ winger of wisdom ’ Leslie Bence has so often pointed out , football is a business .
15 The officials on whom Heath relied so heavily felt the strain too .
16 Most Southern Hemisphere SNRs discovered so far have been identified using several Molonglo Cross ( 408MHz ) surveys , yet the galactic plane map for γbγ3° shows only faint emission from the region of 2CG342–02 .
17 And any hope Laura might have had of at last having that ‘ long talk ’ which Ross had so faithfully promised her had been dashed on opening the front door of the apartment .
18 Salisbury and Malcolm , the contrasting pair of bowlers on whom England had so creditably gambled , kept at it , and took another wicket apiece .
19 Only Germany and Denmark have so far agreed to adopt the 20 per cent cut as a target .
20 Scotland have so far lost in Switzerland and drawn at home to Portugal , failing on both occasions to reproduce the fluency that lit up Norrkoping in June .
21 Most of the JMU visits so far have been to practices of this size .
22 As Sir Arthur Bryant has so vividly put it , ‘ That life of scholarship and labour , with the tireless hand writing amid the intervals of prayer and teaching , sometimes so frozen that it could hardly grip the pen , is one of the proud memories of England . ’
23 Of these perhaps the greatest was that at a stroke all the feckless local officials of whom Wilson complained so bitterly had been removed .
24 She had n't imagined that this woman could be at all assertive , but she was being exactly that now , and Alain had so far said nothing at all .
25 He was embarrassed , she knew , because she was sitting at old Eddy Moulton 's desk , upon the top of which poor old Eddy had so recently laid down his head and died .
26 Later , Stephen being absent , Jack looks to music to calm certain professional anxieties but in exploring the great Chaconne of the Partita in C he is almost unnerved by the force of the work compared with the Scarlatti and Hummel pieces with which he and Stephen had so often relaxed .
27 Planners in Stroud have so far rejected six schemes for a third superstore — but with the right scheme on the right site , they 'll have to say yes .
28 However , my enjoyment in witnessing this rejuvenated Athletico is spoilt by the fact that Terry Wade has so far persisted in wearing white shorts whilst the rest of his team mates wear the customary black .
29 China has so far refused to give any clear response to an offer he made last year to open talks on the basis of new proposals .
30 From top to bottom this was a society , which as David Ganz has so well observed in connection with the predestination controversy , ‘ was all too aware of its sins , all too uncertain of their forgiveness ’ .
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