Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] that [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But Taylor insists that these games will have little bearing on the mood for the Poland match at Wembley on September 8 .
2 Tatarinov argued that all ministries and other governmental institutions should be obliged to produce detailed estimates for the year ahead at the time they submitted their annual accounts .
3 C. Taylor and W. Page Faulk found that such women often have white cell antigens ( HLA ) that are unusually similar to those of their husbands .
4 Yet it was only by contrast with Fei Yen that these things were noticeable : as if in Fei Yen lay the very archetype of Han beauty , and all else , however fine in itself , was but a flawed copy of that perfection .
5 Paul Devereux argued that most UFOs and lights in the sky were n't flying saucers , but ‘ earth lights ’ , naturally occurring sentient phenomena , something like very big fireflies , I think .
6 Thorndyke argued that such stories are easy to remember because they have a particular structure .
7 Through his work , Freud realised that some taboos of the time were much more commonly breached than was acknowledged by society .
8 Strauss maintained that both approaches were equally shallow .
9 Hamilton-Phillips says that most women carry a burden from their kindergarten days : ‘ Boys dominated the playground , girls sat around the side .
10 I told myself that someone like Gharr imagine that all women adored him .
11 Major appealed to him to withdraw the threat to break off talks with the South African government [ see above ] , but at a press conference Mandela reiterated that such negotiations would cease on May 9 unless de Klerk acted to halt township violence .
12 FoE pollution campaigner Karen McVeigh says that such allowances should be made conditional on the bus operators including a requirement for low-sulphur diesel in their fuel specifications .
13 Langdon stated that all groups should be represented except the DNF , which in his view was communist dominated .
14 Theoretical research in the United States confirmed that these instabilities were a natural characteristic of the system .
15 Because when Jesus was born the the Roman soldiers were there and the kind at that time Herod ordered that all babies were killed and the Romans went out to do that did n't they ?
16 Analysts like Mulvey and De Lauretis assume that all forms of cinema position the spectator through his/her investment of psychic energy in films .
17 In 1710 Prince Eugene ordered that all soldiers found more than a hundred paces from his army on the march and more than a thousand from it when it was in camp should be hanged .
18 what did fraud oh Freud believe that most sons wanted to do to their mothers ?
19 Durkheim felt that these tasks should be performed by groups — such as professions and other occupational groups — which intermediated between the individual and the state .
20 Wright explains that these toxins probably cause diarrhoea by stimulating the phosphorylation of proteins that control sodium secretion by intestinal cells .
21 Small wonder that few managers read on , or that most mainstream management academics see business ethics as a ‘ soft ’ subject .
22 In the course of a statement to a congressional committee on Jan. 23 Greenspan said that such comments were not putting pressure on the Federal Reserve , but were merely statements that lower interest rates were preferable to higher ones .
23 Ken said that many performers ought to pay managements for the privilege of working on the stage .
24 The Chairman of Orkney Island Council Social Work Committee , Councillor Mairhi Trickett denied that any members of her department had ever been to any courses or seminars on the subject of ritual or satanic abuse .
25 Mr Bannock estimates that these increases have led to substantial gains in employment , with three million more people working in businesses with fewer than 1,000 staff .
26 A spokesman for PPL said that many hoteliers and restaurateurs believe that they only need a licence from the PRS to be fully covered .
27 Cheney emphasized that any reductions in US forces in Europe would be within the context of the CFE talks .
28 The nationalist camp in Likud argues that such contrivances will lead eventually to dialogue with the PLO and to the establishment of a Palestinian state .
29 Similarly , Martin Oppenheimer claims that many professionals employed in the public sector find that their jobs are ‘ related to the oppressive functions of government — keeping welfare clients quiet , policing , regulating ’ .
30 However , the NEC emphasized that such arrangements would not be allowed to " delay or obstruct the process of orderly transition to majority rule " .
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