Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having gained that second term , Lange appointed himself Minister of Education , swapping his foreign affairs portfolio with Russell Marshall , thus signalling a major initiative in education reform .
2 Confused by the light in her eyes and the constant chattering of their host , Isabel found herself ushered into the house before she could correct the man 's assumption that she was fitzAlan 's lady .
3 It could have been hours or minutes later that Isabel found herself staring into a dark pit .
4 Isabel found herself staring at Matilda 's kindly face , completely at a loss .
5 Thiercelin and Lefevre found themselves received at their billet with almost embarrassing cordiality , the householder , Herr Bauer , and his wife insisting upon catering for their every need , whilst regaling them with complaints of Hapsburg perfidy and the brutality of their Russian allies .
6 SCRAM found itself caught in the middle between those who felt nonviolent protest was the only way and those who really wanted to see the whole place go up in smoke .
7 As he suggested that Richards had been less than sporting , Martin-Jenkins found himself banned from the local airwaves and Public Enemy Number One in Barbados ; since he is renowned as a courteous , generous-spirited chap , it brought home to English fans just how fervently Richards is regarded in the Caribbean , although any English supporter who watched the incident on television would have been hard pushed to disagree with Martin-Jenkins 's assessment of it .
8 Kelly found herself fascinated by him .
9 Leaning away slightly as Ibn Fayoud enveloped her in his gowns and aftershave , Kelly found herself looking at a smiling Annie .
10 Nessie found herself reacting as if to the parish priest or the headmaster of the school .
11 An investigation is under way into what went wrong and the trouble did n't stop there , because back on the pitch Tredworth , full-back , Andy Hill got himself sent for allegedly throwing a punch .
12 By the spring Richard found himself faced by a formidable coalition of enemies .
13 Similarly , Hardy found herself confronted by " some unanticipated possibilities of rejecting Lit .
14 Rex found himself crashing to the ground .
15 David found himself caught between the demands of the receivers on the one hand and his old boss , who stayed on as a consultant .
16 Lucy found herself mouthing like a mill worker to make herself understood over the noise , which was louder than any machinery .
17 And , totally unexpectedly , Lucy found herself moved by a brief surge of affection and pity .
18 His cheerful smile belied his words and Hari found herself responding to his warmth .
19 In the ensuing debate Gorbachev found himself assailed by conservatives and radicals alike over his policies and his record .
20 Once assumed , the title could only be renounced in return for the most substantial concessions , and as long as Edward called himself Ring of France he could pose , with some success , as an alternative government to the Valois monarchy .
21 By the middle of the twentieth century , Adorno found himself confronted with a cultural field in which the squeezed and narrowing pinnacle of aesthetic difference and negation had all but detached itself completely from the squat , commodified mass of capitalist ‘ affirmative ’ culture .
22 When making final selections for his book , Denyer found himself afflicted by severe mental block .
23 After an hour the ship emerged from the jungle , and the Shermans found themselves gazing across an open alluvial plain dotted with isolated clumps of palm .
24 Suddenly , Anabelle found herself surrounded by furious , frowning faces .
25 Ronni found herself glancing beyond his broad shoulders to the half-shuttered , sumptuously furnished room beyond , with its rug-strewn floor , picture-covered walls and vast , deeply unsettling canopied bed .
26 Guido and Agnese had so much to talk about , and Ronni found herself included with perfect ease .
27 Emaciated , servile , exhausted , Stepan and Ilya Holovich found themselves herded with a hundred thousand others into the Displacement Camps .
28 Fearful at first of the reunion , Katherine found herself charmed by her aunt , who reminisced comically about Jacob 's youthful exploits .
29 Ruth found herself crouching on the floor , almost fainting ; wondering how she could ever have thought before that Fincara was casting spells .
30 Benny found herself standing in a smooth-floored entryway that opened on to the docks about ten feet further on .
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