Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 He went on , ‘ Matt lived here alone for years before I came on the scene .
2 It hurt her to think that Fernando cared deeply enough for another woman to do it .
3 Me and Andy looked all over for you both last night I had a few things on my mind
4 Harrington did well temporarily for the same reason as my original Cheat did .
5 Maastricht went too far for public opinion , but not far enough to allow Europe to deal effectively with the problems it faces , such as Yugoslavia , ’ says an exasperated German official .
6 Jane stamped sulkily upstairs for the trainers .
7 There was just enough speed for the aircraft to take off but unfortunately sustained flight was impossible and G-FLIX sank just enough for the main wheels to catch the edge of the dyke .
8 Wotcha going so early for ? ’
9 Four lines cut and skip through the waves as Grant pulls away steadily for the drag .
10 The Russian law on citizenship , adopted in November 1991 , extended that privilege not only to the population of the Russian Federation but also to those living in other republics who requested it , and the Russian defence minister , Pavel Grachev , made it clear that fellow nationals would be defended ‘ wherever they live ’ ; Vice-President Rutskoi called more directly for recognition of the Dnestr republic , and the Foreign Ministry intervened when it appeared that the civil rights of Russian speakers in the newly independent Baltic republics were being infringed .
11 The other talking point is the absence of Jonathan Webb who was in line , before Lansdowne Road , to do the midweek goal-kicking job which Bob Hiller did so invaluably for the triumphant 1971 Lions .
12 He made a lunge towards Rory , but Adam proved too fast for him , grabbing him from behind in a tackle that would have felled an ox .
13 Gordon sat quite still for a few seconds , then uncrossed his legs and went out of the room , a room in his own house , or rather his mother 's .
14 It was near here , at roughly four o'clock on the green , that I placed the small house where the two friends Ella and Dimity lived amicably together for a number of years .
15 Its taken a rush ‘ nose job ’ , a dubious penalty , an unlucky bounce on Newsomes knee and a short back header cuased by Campbell pulling kelly back for 10 yards for those people to score goals .
16 Tina walked towards him in the rain-washed playground while Jack looked warily round for her brother .
17 Moreover some individual Franks did extremely well for themselves in imperial service , and one or two even gained the consulship .
18 Anne studied very hard for them .
19 The Falklands obliged Mrs Thatcher to behave more collectively for a time , as did the unexpectedly hostile reaction across the political spectrum to her handling of the trade-union issue at GCHQ , where policy-making by cabal truly backfired .
20 Adding that a splendid show of numerous varieties of outdoor tomatoes at the Crystal Palace had recently caused some stir among market gardeners , Miss Buckland remarks that while awaiting cheaper and more plentiful fresh tomatoes " the tinned tomatoes from America and France answer fairly well for cooking purposes " .
21 Ian Snodin , playing his first game in central midfield after four injury-troubled years , was an outstanding figure for Everton , Kendall saying : ‘ Ian did very well for us . ’
22 Susan bent forward slightly for a better view and saw what it was .
23 It was n't George felt quite enough for him to renew any promises about alcohol .
24 At a time of so much egocentric materialism it 's refreshing to see the NI fighting so effectively for imaginative humanitarianism . "
25 Disregarding this turn , the road for Altdorf continues straight on for 2km ( just over a mile ) .
26 Héloise de Rochefort stood very still for a moment , then she covered her face with her hands and began to cry in great , gusty , choking sobs .
27 Intended for tenor voice , the romantic ‘ Dichterliebe ’ texts by Heine translate curiously well for higher voice .
28 As it is , with four seasons lost to the War , Jimmy reached 200 Southern League games , so that even today he is comfortably within our top forty all-time appearances , while only Joe Johnson and Harry Collyer played more often for us in the Southern League .
29 The ‘ nationality ’ factor in early Elvis signified rather differently for British adolescents in the mid-1950s ; it was mediated through the image presented by the ‘ American South ’ within their national tradition , and , more widely , through the rather different gender , generational and class structures obtaining in Britain .
30 DAVID ESSEX Going all out for the Cliff Richard Award for persistent youthfulness .
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