Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [prep] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have a Goniopora coral and my Clownfish lives in it as if it were an anemone , which is not doing it a lot of good .
2 Manville toyed with it for a few moments , imagining the corridors of the Pentagon and White House alive with zooming figures , grey-flannel covered asses farting tongues of flame .
3 Disappointed at the constable 's absence , since he and Richard had prepared a verbal message for their mother , Edward remarked on it to the servant , a stranger , who brought their supper .
4 Schellenberg brooded about it for a moment .
5 Napoleon marched through it on his way to Moscow , but today the road is used by those who wish to avoid the pressures of autobahn driving and see something of the pleasant , rolling countryside of Westphalia .
6 Neil Spencer wrote about it in the New Musical Express beneath the headline ‘ Do n't Look Over Your Shoulder , But The Sex Pistols Are Coming . ’
7 Jean pondered on it for a day while we held our breath .
8 The day came when the road was flooded and Skipper waded through it with no hesitation .
9 Standing looking up at the east front , he knew that the Alpheus lay to the south , on his left , and the Cladeus flowed into it from his right .
10 Everyone in Knockglen heard about it in record time , but what they heard bore little relation to the facts .
11 The shirt was placed separately and Curtis jabbed at it with a thick , square forefinger .
12 Eva took to it like a duck to water .
13 Watch it for its parched melancholia : watch it for the fantastic innards-eaten Erich von Stroheim ; watch it and spot which tiny , yet central , image Spielberg nicked from it for ET .
14 I do not overlook De Gourmont 's plea for a meeting of the nations but I do believe that when they meet Paris will be more than slightly abashed to find parodies of the middle ages , Dante and Langue D'Oc foisted upon it as the best in United States poetry .
15 Muawiyah dealt with it by quite simply nominating his son Yazid in advance .
16 It was too tempting a target , and the Zeppelin aimed for it with the last of its deadly cargo , but this time , they overshot the mark .
17 ‘ Angel ! ’ croaked Salome from the bed , which seemed to have Frank draped across it like a spare duvet .
18 Reluctantly she made her way back to the house , then gave a gasp of dismay as Penry erupted from it like a rocket .
19 Inspector Finch looks for it in various places .
20 A succession of heavy trucks rumbled down Amwell Street as Graham turned onto it from Rosebery Avenue ; they were big grey lorries , stone or chippings carriers with great corrugated sides and a plume of dust trailing after them in the near-still air , Graham was heading slightly uphill now , and slowed his pace accordingly .
21 I am told Dickens partook of it at home . ’
22 Julia listened to it with professional interest , expecting the usual Nazi defence of obedience to superior orders .
23 Fred thought about it for a few seconds .
24 Matthew kicked at it with his foot .
25 The Horsley-Hayling-Pilger axis , with Walsh spinning round it in an erratic orbit , symbolized the male domination of the project .
26 I know I have n't anything to offer her and that it might be years before I could afford to run a house and give her the kind of life style she 's used to , so I would n't expect Sir Philip to agree to it for a long while . ’
27 And erm you 've got that Harrogate goes into it in some detail .
28 It 's the oldest lyrical theme in the world and David Gedge adheres to it with laudable steadfastness .
29 As he mentioned the bird , he turned his back on Lesley-Jane to look at it in the glass case .
30 Although most wireless owners had opened their doors so that people could listen to the King 's message , Mr Peters talked about it for those who had missed it .
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