Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In studying Epicurus , Gassendi found confirmation for the embryonic idea of the Exercises , that sense-experience might give us something worthwhile and valuable even though it can not give us knowledge of necessary causes and of the natures of things .
2 Requisitioned by the Home Office at the start of the Second World War the Manor provided accommodation for the Canadian Air Force who flew from the nearby air base of RAF Linton .
3 Unfortunately at this point Martin Fleischmann entered hospital for a serious operation which interrupted the project for almost a year .
4 Branson had arranged to see an advertising agency about Oldfield producing music for a commercial for Dulux paint .
5 On March 8 , following a visit to CIS states , Turkish Foreign Minister Hikmet Cetin requested support for a ceasefire from the USA , France and the UK .
6 Dahl retained responsibility for the environment while the energy portfolio went to Rune Molin , vice-president of the Trade Union Confederation ( LO ) , who also took over the industry portfolio from Ivar Nordberg .
7 The producer Christian Gansch and engineer Gernot von Schulzendorff deserve recognition for the refinement and quality of the sound they have captured .
8 Andrew 's father , David played lock for the club and has had two two-year spells as the club president , while his mother , Kathleen , a physiotherapist at Kings Hospital , Dundee , has had a big influence , not least in ensuring speedy recovery from injury , notably from the sprung collarbone sustained in the ‘ B ’ international against Ireland on December 28 .
9 Members of the left-wing organization Dev Sol claimed responsibility for the killing in Ankara on Jan. 30 of Gen. ( retd ) Hulusi Sayin , commander from 1987 to 1989 of security forces fighting Kurdish guerrillas in the south-east .
10 Members of the left-wing extremist group , Dev Sol claimed responsibility for the killing of a US civilian , Bobby Eugene Mozelle , at the Incirlik air base near Adana on Feb. 7 .
11 The left-wing extremist group Dev Sol claimed responsibility for the killing on March 22 in Istanbul of a US businessman .
12 The ELN claimed responsibility for the murder on Nov. 24 of Juan Barragán Ruiz , a Conservative Party ( PCC ) congressional deputy who was shot dead in the north-western city of Bucaramanga .
13 The UVF claimed responsibility for the shootings on Jan. 4 and Jan. 30 of Catholic civilians who it claimed were members of the IRA .
14 Lt.-Col. Charles Emile Mbayo was replaced as Minister of Transport , Communications and Tourism by Frank Kargbo , Lt. Julius Maada Bio relinquished responsibility for the Ministry of Information , Broadcasting and Culture to Oreh Awoonor-Renner , and Lt. Samuel Komba Kambo at the Ministry of Labour , Energy and Power was replaced by Alex R. E. Browne .
15 Jaruzelski took responsibility for the act , but repeated his assertion that martial law had prevented the greater evil of an invasion by the Soviet Union .
16 Another thing they have in common , sadly , is violence at screenings ; one kid was shot dead outside the cinema on Juice 's opening night and it caused distributors Paramount to withdraw advertising for the movie .
17 Spain and Portugal took part for the first time , having signed accession protocols on Nov. 14 , 1988 ( see pp. 36105-06 ; 36429 ) .
18 In 1879 she visited repealers in Plymouth to canvass support for the new bill , which proposed that the courts should remove children living in the society of depraved and disorderly persons and place them in industrial schools .
19 Cap Gemini Sogeti SA said turnover for the first quarter of 1993 fell 2.7% to the equivalent of $537m .
20 According to a statement received by the weekly Oiga , Salinas accepted responsibility for the coup attempt and declared that its aim had been to hand over the presidency to Máximo San Román Cáceres , Fujimori 's dismissed First Vice-President named " constitutional president " by the dissolved Congress [ see p. 38846 ] .
21 It was the destruction of thirty churches and monasteries in Bucharest to make way for the Civic Centre which aroused Western criticism of Ceauşescu 's rule on a grand scale .
22 Tipped as the next Greta Scacchi , Tara looks set for a glittering career .
23 Resistance was prolonged from December to February 1947 when at length Sukarno secured approval for the change by putting his position to the test : if they refused , they must find a new president .
24 Mr Cushley 's departure leaves just one officer retaining the SACC rank in the force compared to three when Sir Hugh assumed responsibility for the RUC four years ago .
25 The Irish selectors were out in force preparing to pick the Northern Ireland bowls team for the Commonwealth Games in Canada next year and no doubt the young Portrush man could feature in their plans .
26 In turn , the members of the HCIMA accept responsibility for the health and well-being of others as well as their obligations to their employers .
27 Thank you for your letter of 2nd February giving permission for the use of the Mill Yard for siting of a rubbish skip .
28 In Land ( state ) elections on April 21 in Kohl 's home state , the Rhineland-Palatinate , the CDU lost power for the first time since 1949 .
29 Swiftly Caledor took ship for the shrine .
30 The American House of Representatives voted by 261 to171 on 23 July to maintain funding for the National Endowment for the Arts ( NEA ) to its current level of $176 million .
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