Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When Valuev became Minister of Internal Affairs Dmitrii Miliutin wrote that " The landowning party had every justification for counting on [ him ] for the realization of their views ' .
2 Taylor made use of all his persuasive charm .
3 Eddie Youds made way for sub keeper Clive Baker who held out for Ipswich 's eighth draw .
4 Mr Taylor asked Fen at one point .
5 He might have been surprised to know that before Ellis became director in 1950 , the same was true in Texas .
6 Laniel became premier in 1953 , announcing that his government ‘ was ready to seize all occasions to make peace , whether in Indo-China or at the international level ’ .
7 The following year Lawson requested reimbursement of this sum from Sir William , claiming that it had been paid from his own pocket !
8 The day after her arrival , Imelda Marcos posted bail of 175,000 pesos ( about US$6,700 ) against seven charges of tax evasion .
9 Two years later Gloag became assistant in Scots law at Edinburgh University and in February 1905 he was appointed regius professor of law at Glasgow University .
10 However , it was made clear that Cuba would not be admitted into the San José Pact , whereby Mexico and Venezuela sold oil on favourable rates to central American and some Caribbean states .
11 ICI to halve waste by 1995
12 Nov. 16 Hun Sen accepts invitation to third JIM extended by Indonesia
13 Duncombe entered Parliament in 1660 as member for Bury St Edmunds , which he represented until 1678 .
14 Cohesiveness found expression in open discussion about needs and in drawing up a training plan : the boards had recognised a problem and done something to resolve it .
15 It was midway through her third croissant that Lisa caught sight of little Emily , striding , hand in hand with Vass , along the path that led up from the shore to the house .
16 At the same time as publishing guides to green products , Julia Hailes accepts money from those who make and sell them .
17 One has only to read recent editions of Climber and Hill Walker to see evidence of atrocious behaviour by climbers and walkers : abuse , noise , breaking down fences , fouling areas with litter and excrement and climbing in areas when specifically requested to desist for good safety reasons — at Cheddar and Upper Pentrwyn .
18 On a similar mission to Chor- zow in 1973 , Alf Ramsey sought security with five defenders , but Moore , put through his own goal , presented Lubanski with a second and the Poles won 2-0 .
19 The Soviet attitude towards the war began to change when Mikhail Gorbachev became leader in 1985 .
20 At one time he engaged in privateering and Burghley recommended marriage to any rich widow .
21 Ethel Walker associates femininity with all that is spiritually good .
22 At about the same time that this happened , Bourn became part of 8 Group , the Pathfinder Group .
23 For his drawings Rembrandt made use of any old piece of paper lying about which was suitable .
24 Back in Moscow after the grinding 40th anniversary celebrations in East Berlin , President Gorbachev made plain on Soviet television that Erich Honecker 's Socialist Unity Party of Germany ( SED ) could sink or learn to swim .
25 In 1936 Bovet became head of therapeutic chemistry at the Pasteur Insitute .
26 The story of how Nobel produced dynamite by stabilising nitroglycerin ( by mixing with kieselguhr ) is skilfully told , while readers are left in no doubt that he became very disillusioned when his explosives were used for warfare .
27 Even at relatively low levels , TBT causes masculinization in female dog whelks .
28 In return , Madagascar promised compensation for French companies nationalized in 1972 .
30 Hawkins retained ownership until 1868 , when Edward Wise bought the mill for £4,900 .
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