Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] during the first " in BNC.

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1 From these statements it is possible to deduce that Hizir Bey must have been appointed to the Sultan medrese during the first sultanate of Mehmed II ( 848–50/1444–6 ) and that Molla Arab can not therefore have begun his study with him , much less become anyone 's before the summer of 848/1444 .
2 Indians of many parties have been terrified by the prospect of escalating Hindu-Muslim violence , highlighted in Meerut in Uttar Pradesh during the first round of voting , when 19 people were killed .
3 Thousands of soviet radicals have jeered and booed President Gorbachev in Red Square during the first non-communist MayDay celebrations .
4 England have been in trouble twice this season , upset by Canada 's pack at Wembley and shunted alarmingly by South Africa during the first half .
5 On balance , though , the evidence suggests record levels of NHS activity during the first year of the internal market .
6 X/Open Co Ltd has abandoned plans for a European Xtra conference , which was to be held in Dusseldorf next month ( UX No 386 ) : it claims users expressed a preference for the Xtra Congress in Washington DC during the first week of December .
7 Perhaps the most confused man in the Yorkshire Dales during the first frantic days after the first transmission was the Baldersdale postman .
8 Lawrence , Cumella and Robertson analysed admissions to Kidderminster DGH during the first six years without the ‘ back-up ’ facility of admission to Powick .
9 Getting back to the golf itself I thought the dovetailing of Seve Ballesteros and Jose-Maria Olazabal during the first two days was absolutely wonderful to see and the David and Goliath partnership of Ian Woosnam and Nick Faldo was superb .
10 In context the psychoanalysis in order to explain erm Wilson 's actions and er , attitudes in the pres presidency of the United States during the First World War , basically con concentrates on erm .
11 During an , a very intensive training and organization period in the United States during the first half of nineteen forty three , and that does sound a long time ago , er we er the Three-Ninetieth Bomb Group , under the able direction of Colonel , er arrived at Parham , right here , in July nineteen forty three .
12 Nevertheless , inflation rose for some months , and production continued to grow in all major economies except the United States during the first half of 1974 .
13 When Norman went to serve with the East Riding Yeomanry during the First World War , reaching the rank of captain , she worked from 7.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. as a VAD at the Red Cross Hospital in Richmond , travelling each day by pony and trap or bicycle , carrying a fresh egg from one of the Field farms .
14 Nobel made a loss of SKr 1500m during the first 8 months of 1991 , as a result of the troubles .
15 In October the government announced that CFC production in West Germany during the first half of 1990 had been reduced to 42,820 tonnes ( as compared with 112,000 tonnes during the whole of 1986 ) .
16 The ratio between the longest R-R interval during the first 15 sec after the manoeuvre and shortest R-R interval during the manoeuvre was calculated .
17 His place was taken by Sir Herbert Samuel , Postmaster General during the first years of the King 's reign .
18 Likewise , to reduce the amount of ‘ year end bunching ’ , an individual who invests in a BES scheme during the first half of the year , can claim part of the relief against his/her previous year 's income .
19 At No. 8/186 , with the Sternberg star over the door , was the palace of the Pötting family during the first quarter of the 18C .
20 In any event the privileged status of the city , its close ties with Rome , Octavian Augustus and subsequent emperors , as well as essential peaceful conditions in Asia Minor during the first two centuries of Roman rule , undoubtedly helped the development of marble-carving activities and the growth in the reputation of Aphrodisian sculptors .
21 The two foremen in charge of this shell machine shop were , Sid Freeman and Percy Dyball , both toolmakers , the former for a time employed at Woolwich Arsenal during the first war ; he was later made a foreman in the Fitting Shop .
22 The company yesterday announced a 19.7 p.c. increase in net profit to £208m , despite the recession and the impact of the Gulf war during the first half of its financial year .
23 Lambs : Marketings of new season lambs fell by nine per cent in Great Britain during the first four days of the week commencing May 31 .
24 The National Child Development Study involving all 17 000 children born in Great Britain during the first week of March , 1958 is an example ; although the initial interest centred on the effects of gestational experience on childhood development the cohort is still intermittently used in a variety of studies .
25 Lambs : Auction market throughputs of lambs were 10 per cent lower in Great Britain during the first four days of the week commencing 26 October .
26 Middlesbrough Council 's mobile playground is in Grove Hill during the first week of the Easter holidays , which start on Monday .
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