Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 As Mr Crump meandered away on a line his wife had drawn for him and in which he half-believed , John-Augustus recalled vividly a discussion he had overheard in the stable-yard earlier that morning .
2 Peace People development co-ordinator Patrick Corrigan looks back on the mass rallies of 1976 .
3 Frau Nordern moved uneasily on the bed .
4 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
5 Early in April 1848 the committee which Nicholas had set up under Menshikov reported negatively on the two most popular journals of the day , The Contemporary and Notes of the Fatherland , and recommended the creation of a new body to supervise the activity of the regime 's censors .
6 Helen was called home to help her sister , Irene , in her employment and during this ten-week secretarial stint she and Edward met frequently on the Common as Helen returned from her work .
7 This set Jean Powers off on a torrent of exclamations and denials so that Helen could not have got a word in had she wished to ; she stood and looked at Giles Carnaby and tried to be calm .
8 Second row Paul Warwick got in on the act and full-back David Rowledge stretched the lead to 27–11 with a penalty to add to his earlier conversions .
9 In the story Melric goes off on a quest to various fellow magicians to seek help .
10 Montgomerie got off on the wrong foot by commencing with a trio of bogeys , making mistakes throughout the bag before settling down to birdie the fifth and sixth and reach the turn in 38 .
11 As Glisseuse emerged from the Swale channel at the Queenborough end , she was picked up by Vigilant and followed to the upper reaches of the Medway while Venturous made all speed round the outside of Sheppey to catch up on the operation which was now well under control .
12 Nevertheless , Scott drew heavily on the Byzantine palaces of Venice , which Ruskin had popularized in The Stones of Venice , for inspiration in the revised Foreign Office design that he was preparing for Palmerston in the autumn of 1859 .
13 Hari sank down on the bench beside him .
14 And now — ’ Jagatan sank back on the couch .
15 The arrival of flight IB 640 from Tenerife came up on the screen .
16 It strikes me the symbolism of this whole venture would be better were it he and Andy balancing together on the seat , but I get the impression Andy 's partner is n't fully into such flamboyance .
17 Spenser dwells longest on the first , revealing it filled with ‘ infinite shapes of things dispersed thin' ( II , IX , 50 ) .
18 The voice at the other end of the line obliged and Donna pressed down on the cradle to sever the connection before ringing the new number .
19 Only two minutes left when Richard Walker popped up on the proverbial back stick , sounds painful does n't it , and it was for Portsmouth .
20 Mo gets up on the top of them stands right up the top , spreads around there 's !
21 David worked closely on the school 's Scribbles project , which produced headed notepaper and stationery as part of a nationwide project to encourage business development .
22 In the records of the first Protectorate Parliament of 1654 Erle appears only on the committee of privileges , presumably because he refused to sign the Recognition , and he was not re-elected in 1656 , although approved at a preliminary gentry meeting .
23 The poignant music drifted into the coffee-house , and Meredith settled back on the Victorian chair to enjoy it and her surroundings .
24 Now in his eightieth year , Thesiger looked back on a life travelling in the Sudan , Arabia , Afghanistan , Morocco , East Africa and ‘ Eth …
25 But the greatest disappointment of his career was when Regent 's management agreement with The Dorchester fell through on the sale of the hotel .
26 Corbett chewed absent-mindedly on the bread whilst analysing the problem which faced him .
27 Corbett chewed thoughtfully on a small manchet loaf from a basket covered by a white linen cloth .
28 The rats fled and Corbett fell back on the ledge , chest heaving , sobbing with anger and fear , his eyes fixed on the grating , praying for dawn .
29 Meredith leaned curiously on the gate and looked over .
30 Corbett leaned back on the bench and stared up at the smoke-blackened beams .
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