Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 By nine that morning they were parked on a side-street off Tottenham Court Road , Bodie at the wheel of the Capri , Doyle slouched down in the passenger seat , idly , almost cursorily , watching the heavy flow of traffic up towards Warren Street .
2 She guessed Ben lived mostly in the kitchen , cooking neatly and painstakingly for himself .
3 As Ian Macdonald points out in The New Immigration Law ( Butterworths , 1972 ) :
4 He invited Patrick to sit down in the hall and took him in detail through events from the moment the car had stopped in front of the house .
5 Cardiff attacked gamely in the final quarter and scored a late try through Jeffreys .
6 The concern for the future of the Deutschmark within the EEC erupted belatedly in the Bundestag in early October 1992 ; at the insistence of an all-party committee , the Parliament pressed for a second opportunity to ratify stage 3 of the Maastricht Treaty before the Deutschmark became irrevocably part of the Single Currency .
7 " She did n't really love him , " Sarah shouted aloud in the empty house , and blushed as if there were a part of Enid lurking somewhere that could overhear her .
8 An open copy of Nell McAfferty lies helplessly in the doorway .
9 An exhibition of the work of conceptual photographer Hans Peter Feldmann carried out in the 1960s and 1970s runs parallel to these two exhibitions .
10 ‘ Get Hawkins to go down in the cellar and help thee , and mind th'do n't get up to any pranks . ’
11 The Blackmen made their way down Lower Ormeau to the city centre , where they connected with buses to take them to Last Saturday marches elsewhere in the province .
12 Richard moved about in the bathroom ; the light hurt my eyes so I turned on my stomach and hid my face in the pillow .
13 ‘ If Armitage did it in conjunction with Latimer , that explains the window , the lurking on the gallery , and the presence of Latimer acting suspiciously in the area at just the time the murder was committed .
14 Donna twisted about in the bath , sending water sloshing over the edge and on to the cork-tiled floor .
15 Mark Newbould scored twice in the first half for Stockton , Mark Gill added two more and Mark Briscow got the fifth after a run from halfway .
16 But Bubka flopped early in the competition .
17 In the absence of the injured Matt Gallagher , Brian Murray switches to full back with Anthony Molloy and Barry Cunningham teaming up in the middle of the field .
18 Bede describes how in the 670s the South Saxons were saved ‘ from a cruel and horrible extinction ’ as a result of their conversion to Christianity by Wilfrid : ‘ … for no rain had fallen in the province for three years prior to his arrival , and a terrible famine had ensued which reduced many to an awful death ’ ( HE IV 13 ) .
19 Both Seve and Irwin played badly in the third round , but you 're never going to do a good score at Lytham when it feels like three degrees below freezing and there 's a gale blowing , are you ?
20 Rocky came on in the 60th minute but could not affect the game .
21 Act One opens with three trios for the men , followed by a duet for the sisters , and goes on to include two quintets ( one of which is the heavenly ‘ Di scrivermi ogni giorno ’ , during which the lovers bid farewell while Don Alfonso comments cynically in the background , and the exquisitely beautiful trio for the two girls and Don Alfonso , ‘ Soave sia il vento ’ ( featured in the film Sunday , Bloody Sunday ) .
22 Langholme turned again in the doorway .
23 Dr Neil arrived home in the middle of the afternoon .
24 The navigation lights were switched off but I could see the Cessna Skywagon flying steadily in the cold air .
25 When the pope asked for some sign by which he could tell ‘ which requests are important to us and are dear to our heart , and which are not ’ , Edward indicated early in the new year that he would mark such requests with the words Pater Sancte , written in his own hand , but he promised that these requests would be employed with restraint — ‘ only as we can and ought ’ .
26 Roscarrock could ill afford it , but short of putting the child out in the street he had little alternative ; so they struck hands on it , and that evening , when the money had been paid over and a receipt obtained , Tristram returned home in the company of Jennifer Gristy to be greeted by his father 's stinging sarcasm .
27 Marie hung about in the middle of the road , looking in .
28 Andy worked mainly in the shop , but also had a chance to play with the Hunts as well as with other famous players of the 1970s such as Doug McLelland , John Garner and Peter Dawson .
29 When , on his final journey to the police station , Raskolnikov kneels down in the middle of the Haymarket and kisses ‘ the earth , the filthy earth ’ ( zemlya ) as Sonya has bidden , it is entirely calculated by Dostoevsky that a tipsy artisan should laugh at the strange young man who ‘ is bowing down to the whole world and is kissing the capital city of St Petersburg and its soil ’ ( grunt , the German Grund ) .
30 Wayne Biggins went down in the box .
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