Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nor does it seem to be the case that the notorious reluctance of the Masai to accommodate themselves to the modern world was to any significant extent the result of administrative protection from it .
2 Are Oxford for the drop , can Swindon make it to the premier league play-offs ?
3 Harvey led me to a room which he unlocked with a key .
4 MacDonald read it to the members of the Cabinet ( imposing further conditions before a loan would be given ) .
5 The web tangled and clung mawkishly around her reasoning as Fernando lowered her to the bed .
6 Sotheby 's , determined to protect Irises ’ ‘ most expensive ’ tag , repossessed it , and in March sold it to the Getty museum , probably for $40 to $45 million .
7 Biff lowered him to the ground , and untied the rope .
8 Alon also experimented with the basic design , building a 130 hp Franklin-engined version and a prototype Alon A–4 with a Lycoming O–320 160 hp motor , before selling the type certificate of the Aircoupe to Mooney Aircraft , whereupon Mooney changed it to a single-tail design and manufactured it as the M–10 Cadet , producing 61 at $9,295 each before shutting the line down for good in 1970 .
9 On the day before de Macon sailed on his second voyage , the Ralembergs invited me to a formal supper .
10 In traditional manner Rolle treats the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed as Wisdom , Understanding , Counsel , Might , Knowledge Piety and Fear of the Lord in Isaiah 11 in the inverted hierarchical order Counsel , Understanding , Wisdom to relate them to the process of withdrawal from the world and achievement of that inner discretion which is the ground of contemplation ; he then deals with strength , piety , knowledge and the fear of the Lord itemised as forces which stimulate man to self-knowledge and help the soul to endure against sin , all aspects of a more active spirituality .
11 Glenn Hoddle got them to the Premier league … maybe Keith Scott can keep them there !
12 Hari led him to the bench and watched as Lewis tied on his apron .
13 Philpott led them to a pale-blue door at the end of the passage .
14 When Andy invited me to the launch of the The Gadget Shop I naively assumed it would be in the shop itself , in Covent Garden .
15 Rex drew himself to the business in hand .
16 British Champion Colin McRae pushing everything to the limits … it requires rapid changes through the gear box … even when cornering … now in the Banbury factory of Prodrive engineers have spent 18 months developing a semi-automatic gear box … they 're already becoming common in Formula One … now for the first time they 've been successfully introduced in a rally car … with just a touch of a button the driver can change gear without having to take his hand off the steering wheel .
17 A contemporary writer from Lika compared it to the Mongol invasions and the depredations of the Goths and Attila the Hun .
18 One moment of astonishing creativity in the dying seconds on Saturday transported him to the centre of Arsenal 's universe .
19 Creed directed him to a narrow sidestreet .
20 Following through in a single smooth action , Manville threw himself to the ground and rolled out of the doorway on to the sidewalk .
21 Concern 's chief executive , Aengus Finucane , in Somalia on a visit , said : ‘ Wendy Murphy , a nurse who was with Valerie , said Valerie threw herself to the floor of the car when the shooting started .
22 Hilton addressed himself to the practical situation of his friend who felt himself torn by the demands of the active life impinging on his desire to pursue contemplation , and helps by showing that these two terms , so often used as opposites to refer to a manner of living , either as a professed religious or as a man of affairs , take their fundamental meaning from different inner conditions .
23 Pahdra Singh called me to the club this morning where he and Reg Pybus and their crony , that stingy git Pugh , the corpse planter , unveiled the new team strip .
24 In another case it will mean that the writer creates his own special kind of language : and it is in this sense that Halliday applies it to the Neanderthal language of The Inheritors .
25 Ken tried to rid himself of the guests , so that he could get away to the theatre , by telling Pat to call him to an imaginary telephone call .
26 Barney took us to the airport , and when we arrived next day in Hong Kong , it was warm and sunny .
27 Richard took her to a friend 's party and afterwards , when they were driving home , he said , ‘ You know what 's happened , do n't you ?
28 Fardine took us to the edge of his terrace , where his own pigeons were kept in a large coop .
29 From beautiful , sun-drenched beaches to relics of an ancient civilisation , your dream vacation in Mexico welcomes you to a timeless world of colourful sights and sounds .
30 When war was declared and Braque and Derain returned to join their regiments in Paris , Picasso escorted them to the station in Avignon .
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