Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [verb] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Temple became known as a local Gretna Green and an historian of the time commented , ‘ Many a bad marriage bargain is there slubbered up ( sic ) and grass widows with their fatlings put to lie in and nurse here ’ .
2 Dysentery became regarded as a norm of life at Verdun .
3 Unguarded remarks by Truman on 30 November on the possible use of nuclear weapons in Korea precipitated in Westminster what Roy Jenkins has described as a " mood of near panic " far worse than any he experienced throughout his entire political career .
4 He reveals him to us through the operas , which ‘ lay at the core of Mozart 's life as a thinking artist ’ and on which Mr Till has worked as a producer .
5 Although Bazille has figured as a peripheral figure in several recent museum exhibitions on the Impressionist epoch and was the subject of a 1978 exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago , he has never been judged as completely on his own as he is in the current show at the Brooklyn Museum , N.Y .
6 Whereas Moscow tried to pose as the champion of German unity therefore , the West posed as the defender of German liberty , arguing that reunification must only come after free nation-wide elections , and that Germany should be able to choose its own Allies .
7 Rugby has evolved as a game of checks and balances .
8 Mr Delors is accused of sabotaging any chances of a deal because it would hit French farmers and as a result agriculture commissioner Ray MacSharry has resigned as the EC 's chief negotiator in the talks with the US .
9 During his Oxford years , Isaac Abendana became known as a resident authority on all matters Jewish and the chief purveyor of Hebrew books , a situation he consolidated by inventing the Oxford diary , which in his original form included not only information relevant to university men but also a yearly essay on some aspect of Jewish religion and culture .
10 Lisa Adams has worked as a packer for three years — the Downs Syndrome Association hopes her prize will encourage other employers .
11 Ann Marie has worked as an assistant in the laboratory for three years .
12 I have the greatest sympathy for hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) , but there is a principle involved and it is about time that my right hon. and learned Friend stopped speaking as a lawyer and started acting as a politician .
13 Maybe he was a tool for any strong hand , including that of Eadric Streona , who became ealdorman of Mercia in 1007 after what S.D. Keynes has described as a palace revolution .
14 Morris : Tell me ; when is the WEA going to die as a voluntary body ?
15 After twelve months of reorganising and repositioning , Tyzack began to emerge as a contender in the top echelons of executive search .
16 But it was not until after 1984 and the growing rapprochement and détente between the superpowers that WEU began to re-emerge as a body that could have real value .
17 In the 1960s once Britain 's decision to apply for membership of the Community was blocked by President de Gaulle , WEU did serve as a conduit , no matter how limited , between Britain and the Six .
18 One such obsolete mentality was religion , which scientists sponsored by Elena Ceauşescu had exposed as a delusion caused by neurological disorders , and which could be cured by simple surgical interventions into the brains of believers .
19 He studied the cruel falcon face framed by the iron-grey hair , watching those slightly slanted eyes , one half-closed — a mannerism Edward had acquired as a young man .
20 Creggan saw Minch staring intently out into this nothingness , and then drop forward to the front of her cage and look fixedly at the benches , and at the harmless litter bin which Woil had used as a stance during his brief escape .
21 In the absence of appropriate provision by other bodies , the WEA had grown as a social movement which sought to provide those opportunities for people , denied access to further and higher education , either through its own efforts or cooperatively , but without patronage , in partnership with the universities , LEAs , and other agencies .
22 Clara and Rebecca had worked as a team before this but today they were on different jobs .
23 There , a combination of poor housing and education , high crime rates , much of it drug-related , large-scale immigration and associated racial tensions , an exodus of jobs and the more well-off to the suburbs , high youth unemployment and welfare dependency and the break-up of traditional family structures have served to create what some commentators in the United States have described as an ‘ urban underclass ’ .
24 To take advantage of the lower charges , Age Concern England agreed to act as an agent for the movement .
25 The remainder of Ireland became known as the Free State of Eire , but disagreement about that partition of Ireland became an inflamed issue within the Free State , and it led to bloody civil war there , after 50,000 British troops were withdrawn , in 1922 .
26 There are important clues that , for the British police , ‘ Northern Ireland has served as a valuable laboratory , offering important lessons for the control of labour protest and racial unrest at home — some ‘ compensation ’ for Britain 's losses in the provinces ' ( Weitzer , 1985:41 ) .
27 And Scotland has prospered as a result . ’
28 ‘ Travel trade decision makers are invited from all over the world to come and see for themselves what Scotland has to offer as a destination , ’ he says .
29 Mr W I Paterson has retired as the North Western Area Director and has been replaced by Mr D M MacInnes .
30 Horatia , Connell and the girl whom Horatia has employed as a nursemaid , are ill-treating the boy and that is unforgivable . "
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