Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] call for an " in BNC.

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1 And Miss Ross called for an inquiry into prison service procedures for issuing personal protection weapons .
2 Christine 's former boy-friend Robert Broxup called for an inquiry into how the youngster was able to get hold of the acid .
3 This maintained a trend of conciliation begun the previous year when Iran 's Majles Speaker Rafsanjani was invited to meet King Fahd during his visit to Saudi Arabia for the annual pilgrimage and Crown Prince Abdallah called for an end to the war and the submission of the two sides to ‘ just and honest mediation ’ .
4 On December 12th Mr Vicari called for an extraordinary general meeting to clear up the uncertainty over the firm 's future .
5 Today in the Commons the Tory MP and spy writer , Rupert Allason called for an immediate investigation into the latest findings .
6 Pressure on Labour increased yesterday with the Lib Dems and the SNP jointly signing a Commons motion calling for an immediate meeting of opposition leaders to discuss Mr Christie 's scheme .
7 Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown called for an ‘ in-depth investigation ’ into the banks ' costs , charges and services .
8 In a press conference held after the final meeting on Sept. 10 Hun Sen called for an immediate ceasefire in Cambodia .
9 Speaking before the meeting , West Belfast MP Dr Joe Hendron called for an increase in intelligence operations on loyalist paramilitaries .
10 Solanki 's resignation , the first by a member of the current government , led opposition parties in the Lok Sabha to call for an immediate motion of censure against the government .
11 Search for Britain 's political vision William Wallace calls for an imaginative response from Westminster to the events which are changing Europe 's landscape .
12 On April 29 the FLN official newspaper El Moudjahid called for an alliance of left-wing parties , including the communists , to present a " democratic " alternative to voters attracted to the Islamic fundamentalism of the FIS .
13 The AIBS Refugee Office has written to Kenneth Clarke and Junior Home Office Minister Charles Wardle calling for an early meeting to discuss its concerns over the content of the new Asylum Bill .
14 In June 1962 the NCCL had adopted a resolution from the Connolly Association calling for an inquiry into civil liberties in Northern Ireland ; the NICCL seems to have been set up in response and as its first action , in July , it held a meeting to prepare a memorandum on civil rights to present to Mr Justice Bose of the International Commission of jurists , who was visiting Belfast .
15 A small group demonstrators have staged a protest outside the U N Headquarters in New York calling for an end to what they say is a cover up over the existence of U F Os .
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