Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [prep] which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I was fortunate to be able to include in addition to my own account a lecture by the former Lord Justice Devlin in which he took the fourth Appeal Court severely to task for the illogicality of its reasoning and for usurping the functions of the jury , and a chapter by Bryan Magee about his efforts over the years to try to persuade the Home Office to reopen Cooper 's case .
2 THE funeral of Flight Lieutenant Stephen McNally , who was killed when the RAF Hercules on which he was travelling crashed in the Scottish Highlands , takes place next week .
3 These include a heated swimming pool , sauna and solarium , crazy golf , Exmoor club in which you can enjoy free entertainment , a shop and ‘ Country Kitchen ’ restaurant , launderette , good bar food and take away meals .
4 To support their plan the generals secretly subvent large sums from the Chiefs of Staff 's contingency fund in order to build a secret airbase in the Texas desert from which they will launch their coup .
5 Penda was no stranger to Bernician terrain across which he had campaigned before ( HE 111 , 16 ) , and his army successfully traversed the whole length of Oswiu 's kingdom to besiege him at Iudeu .
6 Its date is uncertain , but if the Fairfax MS in which it appears was commissioned by Sir John Stanley , his death in c .1469 would provide a terminus ad quem .
7 The introduction is an essay by Octavio Paz in which he stresses the isolation in which the civilisations of the Americas evolved ( as opposed to Europe with contacts from the East ) and he examines the reactions of Europeans over the years to Mexican art .
8 Khan was in Washington for talks with United States officials during which he repeated undertakings not to explode a nuclear weapon or transfer nuclear technology to other countries .
9 On 6 December 1988 he entered into a tenancy agreement with Miss Robinson under which she was entitled to occupy the premises for a period of six months .
10 Yet , it is the performances of the Fitzwilliam Quartet to which I find myself being drawn back .
11 I saw this piece some time ago by Richard Burton in which he was talking about what happened to him when he gave up booze .
12 Compared with the Derbyshire mill of Elias Needham to which he was moved in 1803 , this was a good mill .
13 It was designed by Henry Alsbroke and the brickwork looks similar to that of Tattershall Castle for which he was also the architect .
14 Graeme is chaplain at Strathalmond School in Perthshire , and he has a house on North Uist to which he escapes at every available opportunity .
15 As part of the process of opening up to the West , Kim used the occasion to give an interview to the Washington Times in which he called for improved relations with the USA and said that he wished to see a US embassy established in the capital , Pyongyang , " as quickly as possible " .
16 The landscape reminds me of the west coast of Ireland , of Inishere , the smallest of the Aran Islands on which I once spent a few days — the same tradition of building walls to clear land as much as to protect .
17 Tony Garnett produces for Temple in California , and it has to be as far as he has ever got from the Ken Loach films with which he was associated before going to America .
18 It was a pleasant walk along well-trodden paths through Birbeck Woods beyond which we came upon the first set of workings in Gunnerside Gill : the remains of dressing floors belonging to the Old Gang Mining Company .
19 O. coriacea superficially resembles Ophiotrema alberti from which it differs by the lack of distinct spinelets on the disk ; the shape of the adoral shields which are straight and do not have an indented proximal edge while those of Ophiotrema alberti are more wing-like and indented over the second oral tentacle pore ; the shape of the oral shields which are arrow shaped not round and almost hemispherical as in some specimens of Ophiotrema and by the absence of tentacle scales in Ophiotoma .
20 When he concluded by saying that : ‘ We at the ANC are convinced that cricket can assist us in achieving the new South Africa to which we all aspire , ’ he was warmly applauded by the tourists management and captain Kepler Wessels .
21 But then , as if aware that his time was running out and that his film career was waning , he returned to Britain in 1959 for one last remarkable Stratford season in which he played both King Lear and Bottom in A Midsummer Night 's Dream : his last London appearance was in The Party ( 1958 ) .
22 Towards the end of 1976 the IDA selected a site in Lough Beg for which it already had outline planning permission for dumping .
23 A year ago , forty-seven-year-old Andrey Ananov of St Petersburg , now President of the firm Russian Jewellery Art , concluded a contract with the president of the toiletries firm Elida Gibbs-Fabergé by which he acquired the right to use the Fabergé name on his goods .
24 In 1865 Octavia Hill gave the realists further impetus when , with Ruskin 's help , she bought slum dwellings at Paradise Place to which she acted as manager , visiting the tenants frequently , in part to collect the rents which she spent on improvements .
25 In Madeira he first worked in a bakery and then developed a business with William Wilkinson in which they undertook the letting and management of quintas ( complete with china , linen and furniture ) on behalf of their Madeiran and foreign owners .
26 For McOwan he played Justin O'Connell in Waste in 1937 , the same Granville-Barker play to which he returned 48 years later , as Russell Blackborough , with the Royal Shakespeare Company .
27 The provisions of clauses 14 , 17 and 18 relevant to the issues before me have been helpfully set out in the affidavit of Mr. McKeown in which I have interpolated three numbers to indicate the particular passages which were dealt with in argument .
28 I refer to your letter sent to Mr Drewry in which you request special leave to attend your fiancé 's father 's funeral .
29 Recent press reports disclose that Wall Street investment banker Dennis Levine , recently convicted and gaoled for insider trading , has written a book entitled Inside Out : An Insider 's Account of Wall Street for which he will receive an undisclosed , but presumably large amount of money .
30 On 28th August , The Observer printed a short statement by Sir Harold Wilson in which he expanded a little on his earlier remarks .
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