Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [verb] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I even went out and bought a dictionary on Sixth Avenue to assist me in the project .
2 It would not be whimsical to suggest that I still go to Arsenal now because of what Swindon did to me then : like a gambler who keeps playing because it is the only way to win back what he has lost , I still feel , somewhere in me , that I am owed for what Ian Ure and Jon Sammels and Bobby Gould put me through that afternoon .
3 Friday evening saw me at the National Gallery with her boyfriend and , quite literally , hundreds of other people , to the opening of the annual exhibition , sponsored this year by BP , of the Scottish Artists and Craftsmen .
4 Green-eyed , bemasked , conjuring up the ten-foot plus boards that could conquer the peaks of Waimea , Ken Bradshaw reminded me of Dr Rotwang in Metropolis instilling his robot with beauty and life .
5 Lindsay Kemp : ‘ David Bowie struck me from the very beginning as being very versatile and very ‘ up-front ’ and not in the least bit naîve .
6 I spent the evening reading , and rang for Miss Matlock to help me to bed shortly before eleven . ’
7 ‘ I hear you 're thinking of retiring , ’ David Knell informed me over coffee one morning .
8 Miss Araminta regards me as a servant , ma'am , ’ Theda said , faintly smiling , and reaching a hand out to stroke Hector 's woolly head where he lay on his blanket , as if to find some outlet for the feelings of gentleness running through her .
9 At 10 am precisely a bell rang and Miss Maine took me for introductions .
10 Bobby Lavender asked me about the target range .
11 Then Monsieur Coutelan invited me to lunch in a restaurant in some village .
12 Your article on hedgehogs in the March issue reminded me of an incident last summer .
13 Somehow , I never found my way back to Porthford until this week , when the March winds blew me in a letter from Ilsa .
14 King Alexander ordered me into her retinue ; I got bored and used to listen to her conversations with the one French lady-in-waiting she brought with her , a girl called Marie .
15 Dr Allott advised me to be entered for Wadham , Oxford 's ‘ medical ’ college , and I arrived there when I was eighteen .
16 ‘ Then , late in the game , Ray Wilkins grabbed me by the shirt and threw me to the ground with a judo throw .
17 With the most impressive efficiency and a phone call to Tucson , the American Express Office in Avenida del Sol issued me with a fresh set after half an hour 's verification : necessary , Ian told me , because there are so many freeloaders who keep on going by selling their cheques and claiming they have been stolen .
18 While he fiddled with his samovar , Dr Jaffery told me about his work .
19 Neither party seem too interested in the other , and that night I dream about Enoch Powell showing me around a slum street with a vile grin on his face .
20 Sergeant Moustaine punched me in the face , stuffed my shitty underpants in my mouth and ordered me to run around the parade ground holding my kitbag above my head .
21 May Jupiter forgive me for saying this Buddy - but I do think his head would go nice on your mantelpiece .
22 When it came to boxing , Reg Witter paired me with a bigger boy called Charlie Featherstone , who happened to be quite a friend of mine .
23 Meanwhile as my visits to South Africa showed me in such a traumatic and depressing way the conditions of the majority have got worse there 's economic recession lay-offs , high inflation rate and growing violence more people have been killed in South Africa in the last two years than in any previous two years that you look at .
24 Now , fanning his face with his hat , Senator Crowninshield followed me into the shade of Masquerade 's hull and stared up at her scarred flank .
25 Will you and Dr Watson join me for lunch at my hotel in two hours ’ time ?
26 Just as we were about to leave , Frank Dick called me to one side and gave me a blistering reprimand .
27 Aunt Louise greeted me with a kiss , and there was a feeling that I was the guest of some great lady in exile .
28 Jane Brompton called me from the Betty Ford clinic last night and it 's absolutely 100% sure .
29 Will Vern notice me from the drive when he comes out of the hospital ?
30 Bruce Carver reminded me of Bill Murphy .
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