Example sentences of "[adv] used [prep] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 Common QACs , normally used in combination with non-ionics to improve detergency , are :
2 It is normally used in association with ripening and colouring , and for roses therefore apply in June onwards — hoe and water in ½ ounce ( 14g ) per square yard ( square metre ) at no more than 3–4 week intervals .
3 Please remember that , should you suffer from a chronic or acute complaint , these methods are best used in conjunction with whatever form of treatment you are receiving — whether from orthodox medicine or a qualified complementary practitioner .
4 but are best used in conjunction with an external filter to eliminate the problems of dead spots when the eels burrow — or when they decide that the uplift pipe would make an ideal home , so ensure the tops are tightly fitted !
5 Strontium is best used in conjunction with a calcium supplement to help enhance the growth of corals and anemones .
6 The simple form of C-R filter just discussed is widely used in conjunction with an operational amplifier , in circumstances where , to achieve electronic integration of a signal as mentioned in section 4.4 .
7 It is usually used in conjunction with a garden , vase or prayer-rug design .
8 She also acknowledges the effect of code-switching on the Patois index : " In practice , because Patois was usually used in conjunction with English as a part of code-switching behaviour , most scores were considerably nearer to 100 than they were to 0 " ( p.79 ) .
9 For them , the uses of Creole are quite restricted : it is always used in conjunction with British English ( usually LE ) in a code-switching style , and has a limited set of functions .
10 Furthermore , when Creole is used by the younger generation , it is almost always used in conjunction with London English in a code switching mode .
11 The remaining weak-form words are all auxiliary verbs , which are always used in conjunction with ( or at least implying ) another ( ‘ full ’ ) verb .
12 These deep suits are probably used in conjunction with those diving bells . ’
13 That amateurism was both a code of ethics and a system of status was borne out by the fact that ‘ amateur ’ was often used in conjunction with ‘ gentleman ’ .
14 This therapy is often used in conjunction with others .
15 Typical oxidants , other than air , include sodium hypochlorite , potassium permanganate , chlorine , chlorine-dioxide and ozone , which are often used in conjunction with absorption techniques , being added in small quantities , to the scrubbing liquid which is usually water .
16 Simple word-processing programs often used in conjunction with microwriters are already being experimented on in a few schools .
17 The word " spiritual " is often used in connection with aesthetic experience .
18 Open-sprung mattresses are often used in combination with firm-edge divan bases , consisting of springs contained within a wooden frame
19 That method is frequently used in conjunction with the schematic method of interpretation and , to a somewhat lesser extent , the literal method .
20 Indeed enamel was frequently used in combination with precious stones to enhance the same item .
21 In Andersen Consulting v CHP Consulting Ltd. ( 1991 ) , a case concerning a dispute about maintenance of computer software by third parties , it was said that confidence is frequently used in connection with copyright material as it is : of course notorious that copyright protects only the expression of ideas and does not protect the idea itself
22 The Brompton Oratory ( the Oratorian church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ) is an architecturally conspicuous bastion of British Catholicism , where the liturgy is conducted with pre-Vatican II elaboration and Latin regularly used in conjunction with a distinguished musical tradition .
23 Regularly used in connection with such occasions-and very probably the term used to designate them is the word " honouring " : for example , and the honouring of accession and of campaign respectively ; and for the more personal occasions , and the honouring of one 's becoming kazasker and Mufti respectively .
24 Primer B3 was used for reverse transcription , and then used in combination with either B5 or A5i in the primary PCR region .
25 They are well made ; the local wool ( sometimes used in conjunction with wool from Australia and New Zealand ) is of good quality , and they are usually sold in the low price range .
26 Yet the interview , especially of the formal and standardised type in which questionnaires are used , is more commonly used in connection with survey research , which means that standardised interviews using questionnaires are the most frequently used social research technique .
27 A qualified social worker is seldom used in work with vulnerable elderly people in many agencies ( Black et al . ,
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