Example sentences of "[adv] seen in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The prolonged oesophageal acid exposure seen in patients with hiatus hernia is because of reduced acid clearance but it is only seen in patients with lower oesophageal sphincter deficiency .
2 Duodenal H pylori was only seen in patients with gastric metaplasia ( 10 ( 50% ) receiving NSAIDs , and 34 ( 89% ) not receiving NSAID ) .
3 The fountain in the park was an enchantment , with the orchestra at the beginning iridescent , all seen in reflection from afar .
4 The laws cover ritual and worship and many aspects of life — but all seen in relation to him .
5 Nobody knew what legal matters they had to sort out as they were spied from Martindale 's Gate traversing the shrubbery paths of The Hall in deep conversation , and they were rarely seen in company in the village except on an occasional outing together to buy postage stamps .
6 This identity was rarely seen in terms of antagonistic class relationships , but could provide an untheorised sense of other oppositional social groups and an unsympathetic state .
7 The framework can be best seen in terms of a continuum of discretion .
8 — It is not clear , though that the Review is best seen in terms of a " regression towards the traditional pattern that still held in English Studies " as Mulhern elsewhere suggests .
9 Further evidence against this is the finding that the occurrence of choledocholithiasis was much higher in patients in group A who underwent cholecystectomy ( 16/23 : 70% ) than is generally seen in association with cholecystolithiasis .
10 At first rock 'n' roll was generally seen in terms of rebellion : this was viewed positively , by fans and fellow-travellers , or negatively , by outraged defenders of established cultural interests ; in any case , it was a new music , set against existing popular types .
11 It was a reworking of the same materials apropos Hungary as I had already seen in Prague apropos Czechoslovakia .
12 Similar numbers of duodenal ulcers ( 25–30% ) were also seen in patients with active duodenitis or gastric metaplasia , or both , regardless of NSAID intake .
13 Microcytosis is also seen in patients with anaemia of chronic disease , the thalassaemia syndromes and , rarely , sideroblastic anaemia .
14 The extent of the childlike and almost filial loyalty felt by the ordinary man everywhere towards his ruler , the great fund of emotion of this sort upon which a monarch could still draw , are clearly seen in France in the crisis of 1789 .
15 This is most clearly seen in studies of the primate visual cortex ( Maunsell and Newsome 1987 ) .
16 It 's a good story but Harris is clearly seen in shot with Brando during the final scene of the film — Christian 's death scene — which was the last shot to be filmed .
17 Striped dolphins and Dall 's porpoise are most often seen in groups of 530 and 2–20 , respectively , but both have also been observed in numbers of around 300 .
18 Talk of the sensual , the erotic , was so often seen in relation to the female body .
19 Even when it is , it is most often seen in terms of the size of individual instalment payments , and the length of the repayment period .
20 Earlier jazz was also often seen in terms of a ‘ defence of individualism ’ ( spontaneity self-expression , and so on ) .
21 The increase was particularly seen in males with a rise in the male:female ratio from 3.1:1 to 3.7:1 .
22 Plainly a single attack of balanitis , which is sometimes seen in boys with fully retractile foreskins , is not a sufficient indication for circumcision .
23 This unrest is sometimes seen in terms of the class war , but strictly speaking this is unlikely to have been the case , since the rebels appear to have included dispossessed aristocrats .
24 Our PSS patients rported reflux symptoms , however , only during a small fraction of the acid exposure time , as previously seen in patients with chest pain or gastro-oesophageal reflux .
25 We are not aware that a male preponderance has been previously seen in association with any form of pouchitis .
26 This wagtail is the one most commonly seen in Shetland on migration , and is distinguished from the race breeding in southern parts of Britain by having a grey rather than a black back .
27 Abuse and neglect are also commonly seen in children of mothers with learning disabilities and are particularly common if the fathers also suffer from learning disabilities or if the children themselves are of normal IQ .
28 Learning is therefore seen in terms of where the child is rather than where we hope he might be .
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