Example sentences of "[adv] went [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Quite a large group apparently went to work as compositors in the south of England , if that is the right interpretation to put on the mention " gone to Colchester " which is recorded against the names of some women in the trade-union membership registers which are the chief source for this information .
2 For those of us who only went to church for weddings , christenings , funerals and compulsory church parades , it was usually C of E ( Church of England ) .
3 ‘ I only went to school for two years , ’ says Maxima Flores , forty-year-old mother of four .
4 He sprang into action when wife Ann , 26 , suddenly went into labour in the middle of the night .
5 Abraham finally went to sleep on the waggon .
6 THE TEXT of the Maastricht Treaty , which finally went on sale at Her Majesty 's Stationery Office ( HMSO ) in London last month , has been withdrawn , apparently because of a row over the spelling of ‘ ecu ’ , the European currency unit .
7 Mrs Thompson 's daughter , Elizabeth , said her mother generally went to bed at 7 pm until 7 am and always turned the heating off , leaving the house quite cold .
8 I just went to bed for a sleep ’ , he revealed .
9 And she got herself ready for bed and you know just went to bed by herself .
10 And my father I think just went to school in the Wintertime .
11 I just went from person to person and asked if they needed help when a policeman asked me to come and take a look at Johnathan .
12 Yet he just went from strength to strength .
13 he certainly found me and from there we just went from strength to strength and erm were still have together .
14 I used to read to the family , and pray with them in the evening , and then I usually went to bed at nine o'clock .
15 But North still went in fear of ingratitude .
16 Ooh they sometimes used to get books or er they used to get some nice prizes you know , and books and er and that and er and when I was little I once went on stage for a in a skipping competition .
17 Less dramatic but equally puzzling would be the problem posed by the patient who deliberately went on hunger-strike in order to end his suffering .
18 As for some of these Territorial officers — temporary officers , he labelled them … about as likely to amount to anything if they ever went to war as a commercial traveller or a third rate comedian in a music hall .
19 AS THE pound continued to sink , moving below the symbolic DM2.95 figure on the foreign exchanges , and shares plummeted , Nigel Lawson yesterday went into retreat at his Leicestershire constituency home to draft tomorrow 's make-or-break speech for the Conservative conference .
20 One player who will definitely not be playing at Wembley is United 's England Under-21 international , Mark Robins , who yesterday went into hospital for a cartilage operation .
21 He always went to sleep with his still burning , so he got through a lot more than she did .
22 Dooley 's personal tragedy was so awful — he was so young and talented and he took the blow with such heroic , idiotic stoicism ( ‘ It 's my one regret that the ball did n't finish in the net ’ ) — that a substantial sum was raised for him and he later went to work for the club .
23 After his release in the mid-1970s he became a successful businessman and hotelier but later went into exile in Rome , where he helped finance the USC , returning to Somalia in late 1990 .
24 From 1870 to 1880 he was at the office of the architect Thomas Henry Wyatt [ q.v. ] , and later went into partnership with the latter 's son Matthew .
25 For some reason ( probably ignorance of the comic art ) Will Hay , the majestic Thirties comedian who also went to school in Stockton was overlooked by the Academy .
26 Knights also went to war in company ; a number , sometimes from the same lordship , would serve in the retinue of a great lord .
27 During 1822 he also went into business as a retail goldsmith and jeweller in Bond Street with John Mortimer ( died 1871 ) .
28 Rafferty had the opposite experience to Couples on the fifth , kicking off a bank into the lake , and also went in water on the long 16th .
29 She lived out of doors and often went to work in the fields with the contadini .
30 She often went by train to some distant party beyond the reach of horses .
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