Example sentences of "[adv] much [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hector McLean the eminent scholar in Anthropology and Celtic Literature who gave so much help to J , F. Campbell in the preparation of " Popular Tales of the West Highlands " must have had a good library and another schoolmaster at Ballygrant , Neil MacAlpine , can not have compiled his Gaelic Dictionary without one .
2 She said : ‘ I think it is terrible that puppies can be dumped and left to die when the RSPCA is giving so much help to people who can not afford the vet 's bill for sterilisation .
3 But nobody else , to the best of our knowledge , gave so much attention and so much space to Rome as Timaeus ; and nobody else was so influential .
4 We will restore last year 's training cuts which caused so much damage to training for young people and the unemployed .
5 I agree entirely with that sentiment , but I find it hard to understand how she can then be so keen to hand over so much power to Brussels on decisions that affect people at a local level , whether on farming , training or whatever .
6 Quite obviously , the black population which attached so much importance to Johnson in the early years of the century was very different to the one which looked to Ali for leads in the 1960s and 1970s .
7 No other bishop could have done so much harm to Philip as Conrad .
8 Now do n't take that too literally , certainly in sub zero temperatures and I think the first of December and to do so would I think er have er maybe with some risk of being in 's phrase stark raving bonkers but by that you may think I mean that I think we made a fair attempt to deal with the three principle issues which have caused so much annoyance to user groups , there 's a backlog in modification orders .
9 An Angster recently asked why the music press devotes so much attention to US bands .
10 ‘ And worse still , ’ she says , ‘ I often worry that my other two children are suffering because I have to give so much attention to Graham . ’
11 Never has there been a gas cooker with so many refinements , so many innovations , so much attention to detail as the new Moffat Discovery .
12 None of this comes as much surprise to sausage supremo Bill O'Hagan .
13 England has lost 70,000 hectares of farmland in the past 50 years — an area equivalent in size to the whole of Berkshire , Hertfordshire , Oxfordshire and Greater London combined — with the south-east losing as much land to development as if Greater London had been built all over again .
14 Schools in a number of prosperous suburbs are starting to give as much prominence to Egypt as to Greece and Rome in their history courses .
15 Anyway , nobody handed out as much money to beggars as she .
16 But the benefits have come full circle , for the long master chronologies subsequently established for archaeological dating and calibration of radiocarbon results are now of just as much value to climatologists studying cycles in weather patterns associated with factors like sunspot activity and variations in the earth 's orbital parameters .
17 While on a 10-day visit to seven countries in Eastern and Western Europe on Jan. 8-18 , 1990 , Kaifu announced an aid package worth $1,950 million for Poland and Hungary , in so doing committing Japan to granting almost as much aid to Poland and Hungary as Europe 's biggest aid donor , West Germany .
18 In his memoirs he complained that in the fifties the US gave twice as much aid to Yugoslavia , three times to Turkey and four times to Taiwan .
19 They decided that they would give as much cash to people in their native Dublin as possible during filming .
20 Where weapons are concerned , I am as much danger to friend as to foe . ’
21 Pagans were as much atheists to Christians as Christians were atheists to pagans .
22 Paolo Uccello would have been the most delightful and imaginative genius since Giotto that had adorned the art of painting , if he had devoted as much pains to figures and animals as he did to questions of perspective , for , although these are ingenious and good in their way , yet an immoderate devotion to them causes an infinite waste of time , fatigues nature , clogs the mind with difficulties , and frequently renders it sterile where it had previously been fertile and facile .
23 The services referred to below are described as they would relate to a Northern Ireland exporter but it should be realised that similar services are of just as much importance to importers .
24 ‘ These things would inconvenience speeders as much as humps but would not mean half as much discomfort to passengers and drivers , ’ he said .
25 A good warrior but the Bruces had as much claim to Alexander 's throne as he had , and now the throne was empty .
26 On the other hand , it is necessary for the applicant for judicial review from the start to give at least as much attention to questions of remedies as to the question of whether the respondent has committed a legal wrong .
27 Fitzgerald and Sim 's British Prisons ( 1992 ) is another example of recent radical analysis which pays at least as much attention to ideology as to economics .
28 Perhaps if corporation executives paid as much attention to programme budgets as they appear to do to their own tax returns , viewers would get better value for their licence money .
29 Pressure from recreation on these open areas is usually considerable , with consequently much disturbance to birds particularly in the breeding season .
30 It 's terrific Jane actually , the buzz is really out there , it 's just what we hoped would happen , and really very much thanks to Fox in fact , er it seems to be happening .
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