Example sentences of "[adv] got the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So we 've now obviously got the political will to take action against erm Iraq , do you see them being enough political will following on from this conflict erm I mean we obviously do n't know how the course of this conflict is going to go .
2 In recent years they 've all got the real ale kick and always have too many pumps , which means that the throughput is slow and four out of five beers go off before they 're half sold .
3 But they 'd asked me for an epitaph not an editorial and , in any case , I 'd already got the clear impression that most of these unaccustomed mourners could recognise a tolling bell when they heard it , but that like so many of the other warnings that had been laid on them over the years by teachers , social workers and magistrates , they had simply decided that any other way of life was simply too dull , too straight , even to be contemplated .
4 Erm how strange Oh , I know what 's happened , you 've still got the centering icon going so it 's centering these .
5 I 've still got the red trailer from my tractor and
6 I mean we did a lot of things that other people probably did n't do , I always remember next door to us at one time the curate of the St Mary 's church , er , who is er , he is now Bishop of mm , gosh , he 's a up in Nottingham way , Bishop of something or other , we met him at a , at a do not so very long ago and he 's just the same , he 's marvellous and he was the curate and they were as poor as church mice and er in relation to them we were really well off you know , and er they had hardly any fires or anything and we gave them an electric fire to heat their place up and er when we met him , it was last February at a , a do of one of the research engineers from where I was work working the last job I had and er , he said I 've still got the electric fire
7 I mean if you 've still got the original bag or the wrapper or , or the box or the price
8 There 's all sorts of accidents not only having the computer switched off , you might accidentally mess the file up or erase it or whatever , er , you 've still got the original copy on the disk so if you keep saving it every ten minutes or so , then you always lose more than ten minutes ' work .
9 You 've always got the new cloth , and er and I think the heat , in the summer , with the stoves going and everything , contributed to it .
10 It 's prob , probably got the odd market
11 You 've also got the double glazing !
12 my Lord the I rely on , on this passage and your Lordship has also got the full section dealing with er the nature of the directive er from er the er from the and book , I rely on this as er as indicating both the text of the , of the treaty itself and this passage from the learned authors as indicating that it is within the power of the United Kingdom
13 I 've nearly got the whole case sewn up .
14 They 're the ones who 've really got the blue boat in fine tune .
15 Not particularly but I understand that er it is , you now have the whole of China which small areas erm relatively small areas , you 've now got the whole thing , I mean if you start initiating very radical reforms , as you say you do n't have the personnel or the resources to erm to prevent a , you know , a big change disruption .
16 ‘ Some countries have not even got the new legislation on the statute books .
17 Level 42 have never quite got the magic back again .
18 Well very rarely it was I , actually I 'd say I was n't really furnished what they used to call the sofa down the one side and there was chairs around there was no three piece suite or anything like that , but er if it was a wet Sunday afternoon we 'd play draughts or games like that , as we grew older we used to play , play whist , so it was just a room for oh and we had a gramophone , I , I 've actually got the old gramophone case I have n't got the working part I 've got the case upstairs now , it was a , as long as I , we er , I bought it and the pals used to club around and buy a record each week there was er Parlaphone , they used to have a little shop on the corner of Street and Street , and we had it from there , and we used to buy a little , a small record perhaps once a week , perhaps once a month , but er I remember the first record we 'd , we 'd bought as a long play was No No Nanette and er a twelve inch record .
19 We have n't actually got the Pink team minutes yet .
20 You 've definitely got the right idea .
21 All the same , I 've certainly got the right shape for dealing with large animals — look … ’
22 I wish I 'd never got the beastly thing . ’
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