Example sentences of "[adv] more than [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The point is worth considering for a moment , partly because it is of relevance to greatly more than the present conceptual issue .
2 The organizational separateness and distinctiveness of the state makes it much more than a mere mirror of , or passive receptacle for , the demands of society .
3 Today likewise Piraeus ' importance makes it much more than a mere annex of Athens and it has its own political traditions , regularly voting communist .
4 With a proper programme of training , based on what we know from human athletes and extended by our own work , it should be possible to increase the performance of young horses much more than the empirical methods most trainers use . ’
5 Ami Pro 3.0 uses the mouse much more than the previous version .
6 We have increased expenditure on crime prevention and the police much more than the previous Labour Government , who cut it by 3 per cent .
7 The mood had changed by the end of the Sixties , and became more romantic , more allusive , softer and with many references to the past , which suited Lagerfeld 's handwriting much more than the brash futuristic Sixties looks had done .
8 ‘ But I walk a fine line of ambiguity because I 'm also reaching a straight audience who need the education much more than the gay audience .
9 It was hard for him to scrape together more than a few coppers at a time .
10 Last year GM 's turnover was $123.6bn ( £77bn ) — comfortably more than the gross domestic product of a good few developing countries .
11 To grant these rights and judicial privileges to corporations ( and other organizations ) is simply to give them additional resources for a judicial battle in which many , particularly the transnationals , are already more than a fair match for national state regulatory agencies .
12 The degradation of many soils such as those in East Anglia , England , to the extent that they are scarcely more than a physical retention medium for chemical fertiliser and moisture ( Kirkby 1980 ) , does not have the same social and economic impact as degradation of soils where the land users do not have , and may be predicted not to have in the future , the resources to make good the degradation by the application of massive doses of fertiliser ( see also Heathcote 1980 , Rennie 1982 ) .
13 After the 1987 election , scarcely more than a tenth ( eleven per cent ) of MPs had been at the school .
14 I 'm never away more than a few minutes .
15 However the weekend was just more than a low key steam event at the Centre at Derby Road for the Centre was also providing one half of the motive power , the two passenger coaches , and operating staff at Preston Docks in connection with the Steam Fair staged as part of the 1992 Preston Guild Celebrations .
16 There is ostensibly more than a passing similarity between Gedge and another famed Mancunian bedroom termite , Morrissey .
17 A diplomat who spent most of his working life in foreign capitals could easily feel himself part of an aristocratic international to which national feeling was hardly more than a vulgar plebeian prejudice .
18 The moon was hardly more than a pale sliver , and surely not enough to see by .
19 Always more than a nepotistic afterthought , Brix had more musical input than The Fall could comfortably contain and now , after almost four years of intermittent solo action , she 's finally made her own album ( Spin This Web ) with her own group Adult Net .
20 In the case of the working class — possibly more than the middle class — the unemployment of families and the depressed economic conditions that prevailed during the inter-war years encouraged the reduction of family size , even though there were still many areas where the birth rate remained high or increased , almost oblivious of the economic conditions .
21 Credit union Savings and loan clubs of people with common bond ( for example , tenants ' association , factory employees ) , cash loaned for particular purpose , not usually more than a few hundred pounds ( but could be £4,000 ) ; usually fixed weekly repayments ; interest paid on what is still owed at rate fixed at start .
22 Rome had probably more than the average number of beggars .
23 Eventually it was announced that he would not run — not in 1990 , at least — and the fuss subsided , but Desert Orchid was clearly more than a national favourite .
24 There is a range of waste pipe fittings similar to those used for fresh water plumbing , except that elbows and tees are often slightly more than a right angle ( 91½° to 92½° ) to make sure that the pipes fall properly .
25 For instance , when Oliver Reed made his now famous appearance with slightly more than a little Dutch courage inside him , he suddenly took it into his head that he wanted to sing .
26 The index of the city 's wealth is its contribution of £1,704 to the subsidy , which , although far ahead of that of any other provincial town , was only slightly more than a tenth of London 's £16675 .
27 Of the 365 visitors who gave the location of their permanent home , slightly more than a third ( 38% ) were from in or near Edinburgh , while the next largest group , accounting for just over a quarter ( 27% ) of those who replied , did not come from elsewhere in Scotland , but from parts of the UK outside Scotland .
28 This involves first cutting the panel down to slightly more than the largest measurement , and then supporting it in place , so that it is spaced slightly away from the wall or ceiling , but is exactly vertical or horizontal .
29 The 200 must be perceived as a refined car , if Rover is to justify charging slightly more than the going rate for its class .
30 The North African wild cat weighs only slightly more than the average moggie .
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