Example sentences of "[adv] after [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A little after 0530 hours she was 45 miles ( 72km ) from the estuary , when she crossed the tracks of the Wolfe-Mowe destroyers , sent out earlier that night to sweep for mines that the Germans thought had been laid by the British force .
2 So after four years I thought I 'd survived .
3 Right , so after twenty seconds they 're up to full speed , and flat out , erm they 're at forty five degrees .
4 More and more after these scenes he felt worn out , drained — as if his life were being slowly refined down to a point .
5 Now after ecstatic reviews it is playing to packed audiences in London .
6 Even after 37 years they give you problems from time to time . ’
7 Even after five years they were finding it a bit difficult in Oxford , you see , a bit sticky .
8 well after two weeks it becomes the statutory sick pay er then becomes the State invalid the State invalidity benefit .
9 Well after extensive tests it can be revealed that they are human and they do have a heart .
10 And then after fifty minutes you do the melt the
11 Then after four months I will have a long holiday . ’
12 He says , ‘ All right , 125 ’ ; and then after ten minutes he says , ‘ On your way , ’ so I got dressed and went out and thought , ‘ Now I 'm for it , ’ but I heard nothing more .
13 The potty training restarted and then after 6 months she was re-established on cows milk starting with plain yogurt ( just as she had been during weaning . ) ’
14 I I was very keen er when I had my daughter erm I was quite happy about it and I I I used them , then after three years I did n't use them .
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