Example sentences of "[adv] being [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Near me , in a white open-necked shirt with short sleeves was a stocky , rather wooden-looking man , who gave me a rather uncomfortable feeling of only being at the party because he had to be .
2 The older , declining industries were nationalized , the Beveridge plans enacted , a National Health Service started and full employment maintained , the emphasis all being on the results of these policies , on their effects on people 's lives .
3 This impression of the infinitive event 's already being in the bag calls for a representation in which there is no separation between the event denoted by the infinitive and that denoted by bid , no way to conceive the bidding as existing without the infinitive 's event also being actualized .
4 Industry encroached , roads ribboned , and the previously attractive landscape became dreary wasteland as farmers abandoned the small cut-off parcels of arable land as no longer being worth the effort .
5 Not normally being in the business of art detection it was still a pleasure to help .
6 but just being on the bench gives me the tiniest little bit of hope …
7 And erm I think too , some ways of allowing people to have more power over their own lives , and not just being at the mercy of agencies , such as social services and erm
8 We try to keep a part of our lives for something else — to which we give a name such as Recreation or Sport or Being a Mother to the Children or just Being about the House .
9 Another says : ‘ I pray best when I sit before the Blessed Sacrament , or look at the Crucifix without saying anything — just being with the Lord . ’
10 Just being in the arms of this unique person , whom SHe 'd never been absolutely sure SHe could hook , effectively wiped the unpleasant memory from hir mind for the night .
11 After all , just being in the tutor 's office could n't be that much of a crime , could it ?
12 Mr and Mrs Lennox were there in style and enjoying just being in the circle instead of up in the gallery where most of Rafferty 's regulars were .
13 The same thing applied to winter , we were very short of work , but instead of you ever being on the dole again , er you went in at ten o'clock in the morning .
14 It was rather like being in the army on active service .
15 In a " Summary of Surrendered Personnel " sent by 5 Corps to Eighth Army and AFHQ on 17 May , under the general heading " Russians " , " about 4000 from 14 Ukrainian Div " are mentioned as still being in the Corps area , along with the main groups of Cossacks , the Caucasians and the Schutzkorps [ KP 142 ] .
16 I mean , I sat in his room , had a coffee today , it was like , I actually sat here and relaxed and always being on the move , you know .
17 Well er sometimes he he made of point of always being in the house not later than We 'll say nine o'clock , unless there was something special on .
18 People had got no money you see having a load of kids and they keep always being in the family way , naturally trying to get rid of them you see because they did n't want them obviously .
19 Mm , having read the report and possibly being on the end of the complaints from the pensioners in the Maxwell fraud er what was your view regarding the proposals that are being made ?
20 I remember once being on the board of a risk capital company when the Business Expansion Scheme first came in .
21 WITH more than half our trade now being with the EC , its development and influence has never been more important .
22 The demolition of Daniel Rossiter 's slaughterhouse in 1783 , it seems , had just been an interim measure to ease congestion near the bridge ; now the Trustees were to have the power to ‘ … pull down and remove certain Houses and Buildings , now being in the Line of the said new proposed Road … ’ .
23 The only other substantial left review was to be found in The Morning Star where Jeff Sawtell found the film politically distinctive because it was ( unusually ) a film ‘ from within the class ’ rather than simply being about the class .
24 Mr Patten did not respond except to say he was concerned about the future well being of the territory and he was ready to start talks at any time .
25 Subversive activities are those which threaten the safety or well being of the State , and which are intended to undermine or overthrow Parliamentary democracy by political , industrial or violent means .
26 In Britain ‘ subversive activities ’ are defined as ‘ those which threaten the safety or well being of the State , and which are intended to undermine or overthrow Parliamentary democracy by political , industrial or violent means ’ ( Home Office , 1984 ) .
27 The projects must enhance the quality of life and well being of the clients .
28 The psychological well being of the victims and their ability to put the crime behind them is a very important part of their needs .
29 We are confident that the RIBA has made the best decision available to protect the future well being of the Journal .
30 It is posited here that rational childbearing practices , including patterns as to age of mother at birth of child , the amount of time that elapses between births and the total number of births , would have a salutary effect upon the health and well being of the family and its individual members , particularly mothers and young children .
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