Example sentences of "[adv] have be [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Black Fury could only have been made at Warner Bros , a studio which had firmly aligned with Roosevelt and the New Deal and which quite clearly believed that there was a market for films which dealt with topical issues and in particular with matters of social justice .
2 He wrote : ‘ But it is when we examine the zoology of these countries that we find what we most require — evidence of a very striking character that these great islands must once have formed a part of the continent , and could only have been separated at a very recent geological epoch .
3 On the basis of this , it is submitted that the question of subsidiarity is essentially a political question for the Council , and if the Council decided to act at the Community level it would not be possible to challenge what it did simply on the basis that it could better have been done at the level of the Member States ; rather , it would be necessary to show a manifest error , a misuse of power or a clear passing of the limits of discretion , and it is submitted that the occasions when this might be done will be rare .
4 The opposition thoughtfully provided a batting line-up of stroke-playing dashers , and bowlers that could easily have been selected at random from a passing Delhi omnibus .
5 One of my bigger irritations is when I have an enormously tight schedule taking me all over the country and I get calls — sometimes on my mobile phone when I 'm stuck in the middle of a field somewhere — insisting that it 's vitally important I attend a meeting that has just been scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon in London , which could easily have been planned at least two weeks earlier .
6 The large steersman 's oar , which must always have been located at the stern , is the only clear indication of the vessel 's orientation .
7 Change in firm 's circumstances Where the circumstances of the firm have changed in some material respect which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the date of the agreement .
8 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
9 These would probably have been deposited at different times , and the detailed examination of their contents will , in theory , reveal a progression of different parts of a coinage ; if one or more of these parts can be attached to an absolute date , it should be possible to estimate a date for the other parts in the progression or sequence .
10 The education of the Master himself would probably have been gained at a grammar school of a similar sort .
11 The Prime Minister 's threat appeared to seek a weakening of the opposition demands , but may also have been directed at hardline elements in the Communist Party reluctant to yield any further to the opposition .
12 Either the C scribe or one of his predecessors added to the 1017 entry that the ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , and ( perhaps inadvertently ) omitted from it the expulsion of Eadwig king of the ceorls , which appears under 1020 ; the information in 1030 that Olaf " was afterwards holy " ( i.e. regarded as a saint ) must also have been included at a fairly late stage in C 's composition .
13 This figure might well have been aimed at ‘ warbird ’ restorers but the FW 189 is possibly too ‘ off beam ’ for the tastes of most of the established operator/restorers .
14 Had the plans for a third London airport in the Thames estuary gone ahead , the land could doubtless have been developed at considerable profit .
15 To understand it , we need first to look at the development of Nietzsche 's inner life : the particular temperament and range of interests without which the controversial book would never have been written at all .
16 The best books of today do not look in the least like Kelmscotts , but without Morris they might never have been created at all .
17 Many programmers realized that they had been programming things that should never have been taught at all , or that should have been taught by some other method or combination of methods .
18 In a letter to a newspaper , their solicitor Tim Robinson says that his clients should never have been prosecuted at all .
19 Just as Clelia 's particular combination of virtues could never have been arrived at by fraud , so this room could never have been created out of ignorance or servile imitations .
20 It was first published in 1650 in the first edition of dances collected by John Playford and would certainly have been danced at the court of King Charles II .
21 A lesser young man would almost certainly have been laughed at and called a big-head , but Michael had already shown us that , in spite of the clowning off set at work , he was a ‘ pro ’ , disciplined as well as talented , and quick as well as anxious to learn . ’
22 Philip Leapor may therefore have been orphaned at the age of eight .
23 It is dated December 1959 , and may therefore have been written at the time that Take a girl like you was being completed .
24 There were also significant correlations with the actual accident statistics , r(1064)=0.142 , average weekday traffic flow , r(1064)=0.236 , accident estimate , r(1064)=0.278 , the time spent at the junction , r(1064)=0.246 , the number of vehicles visible in the film , r(1064)=0.201 , and the average speed at the junction , r(1064)=-0.118 , all of which are to a large degree measures of how much would actually have been happening at the junction .
25 The goods must actually have been stolen at the time of the offence .
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