Example sentences of "[adv] could not [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Band B , address codes alone could not prevent interference .
2 Within a couple of days of taking this , she began to weep , and she then became very concerned because she just could not stop crying .
3 To the region 's Labour MPs who did support the Bill , the compliments of many ; a conscience brickbat to those ( my own included ) who just could not find time to do so .
4 Freud 's he just could n't speak Hebrew , he could only speak in Egyptian and so on and so on .
5 Looking back on the community 's experience of opposition , she reflected ‘ If we had got going earlier , and got support from all the locals , if we had n't waffled for ages , and demonstrated properly , and been more vocal — we had difficulty raising money , we just could n't raise money — we would have made an impact .
6 It seemed that I just could n't turn desire into reality .
7 Great run again by Mickey , did ever so well , came inside , knocked a good ball into , unfortunately he just could n't get hold of it and the goalkeeper came out and collected it .
8 Alternately loving and hating , Leith just could n't get Naylor out of her mind .
9 ‘ I 'm mad because I had the money for them but I just could n't get time to shop with the hours we 've been working . ’
10 When plastered and complete , it still could n't keep sound out entirely , as those walls which butt up to the party wall ( flanking walls ) would still carry some of the unwanted noise into your house .
11 One may be amused — though not very — that after living in Italy for forty-five years Max still could not speak Italian , but such insularity is not to be imitated .
12 Yes , Chair , I , I mean I support the criteria that 's been laid out in five two there , I think it 's very important that we do actually , important that we do actually highlight the issue of low pay , and where it 's occurring , and in , in some way that then prevents companies , the , the unscrupulous type of companies that would come in to exploit that , from actually doing it , since most people would then be aware it , and I think that the last speaker 's just suggested that it 's an extremely cheap way of obtaining masses of information about Shropshire 's erm , earnings levels , and I think that 's very important that we are , and do come to grips with that , and clearly could n't afford officer time to be spent on , on merely collating that all the time .
13 Dick really could n't make head or tail of the place and resorted to believing that he had no personal problems , and that the Centre had little to do with cures , which was true .
14 She simply could n't keep house — not that that mattered so much — but she could n't cope at all with the children .
15 Then , due to the current troubles , they were taken away from them and offered to Gateshead , who agreed to take them but then could not get television coverage , so they went to Germany .
16 John , whose Gospel scheme does not include , except by implication , the story of what the church , equipped with the Holy Spirit , achieved , and therefore could not make room for Pentecost ( as Luke does at the outset of his second volume ) , nevertheless makes the same point with considerable clarity In the first chapter of his Gospel he stresses that the Spirit rests exclusively upon Jesus , the fulfilment of the messianic hopes of the Old Testament for the bearer of the Spirit .
17 Thus the car did not belong to the customer who therefore could not transfer ownership to X.
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