Example sentences of "[adv] when you [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'll be able to get a flat and all when you get a job . ’
2 The front of the machine sports some graceful curves , but it 's only when you take a peek round the back that you get some inkling that this one is different .
3 Fish , only when you have a bit of sex in n it ?
4 I suppose that it 's only when you have the financial means that you get the treatment everyone deserves .
5 The other option is to have it resident at all times but is activated only when you want a fax converting .
6 Use complex words only when you need a precise meaning and a simple word will not serve the purpose .
7 It has two round firebowls with grills that tuck neatly inside when you fold the barbecue up and it has removable legs for easy storage .
8 90 minutes of torture is what I 'd call it , especially when you get the likes of Jimmy Hill ( strokes chin in very sarcastic manner ) commentating .
9 She sat down and began to pour out the tea and , her voice still quiet , she went on , ‘ I do n't suppose it 's really so bad for you , instructing or teaching , whatever it is you do , but in the Naafi , amidst the clatter — ’ she now looked at him and her words were spaced as she went on , ‘ and the chaff and the ribbing ; well , I sometimes think I have died and gone to hell , because that 's what I think hell must be like ; constant joking , especially when you hear the same thing repeated over and over again . ’
10 But to Western critics of newly- confident Japan it sounds distinctly over-the-top , especially when you add the extra ingredient of Picasso 's Les Noces de Pierrette .
11 ‘ Every time ’ — she bobbed her head at him ‘ especially when you have a room to yourself and a decent job ahead .
12 However , occasionally the spongs also bridge ravines making for brave crossings especially when you have no idea of their quality .
13 White bedroom furniture , designed on clean , sharp lines and mirrored to create an illusion of space — perhaps a fairly predictable choice for a modern home , especially when you see the impressive use of every inch of storage space .
14 The 810 is remarkable value — especially when you consider the unit 's compact dimensions , workhorse robustness , and industry-standard 102-key keyboard .
15 ‘ Aquarius , Taurus , Leo and Scorpio figure very strongly in the Royal Family 's charts and very strongly in Diana 's , so when you get a powerful connection like that with marriage partners it can either be the most sensationally passionate ‘ I ca n't leave you alone for a minute ’ or it 's ice .
16 So when you get a bruise that 's a nice yellow colour , yellowy-green , you know it 's a very old bruise .
17 So when you get a lot of things given , you know , I never say no .
18 What you actually do is you pay off the loan gradually over that peri period of twenty years , so you get from that point to that point and it 's , it 's sort of level to start with , you 're paying mainly interest off and not much capital , so when you get a statement from the building society , you still seem to owe virtually the same that you started with .
19 So you want to make a note of what 's changed , so when you make a change , who made it , .
20 , should keep should keep it growing really long so when you go a bit thin , just grease it over like this
21 So when you become a woman ,
22 So when you remove a young child 's hand from an electric plug you tap the back of it and accompany this action with a firm NO .
23 So when you question an advertiser , they have to answer to us .
24 we 'll show you now how to put on a pressure bandage for severe bleeding and then we 'll put the film on and you can see the whole lot again , okay , so just be in the room if you just push and push and push on the window and er the hand has gone through the window , right , and there 's no glass imbedded but it 's cut right across the palm and the reason that we show you this one is because the artery that feeds all these fingers comes and the thumb comes up in an arch like that okay , so the artery comes down , up in an arch across the palm of the hand , so the fingers and thumb all get a blood supply , so when you cut the palm of your hand there is a lot of blood pumping out , okay , so what 's the first thing I 'd tell her to do ?
25 So when you pour the water do n't go tipping it
26 So when you want a cup of coffee that is full of flavour , simply look to Kenco — the Real Coffee Experts .
27 Ray Parker 's theme tune was transferred onto the SID chip as perfectly as you could imagine , so when you add the lyrics to the bottom of the screen with a bouncing dot highlighting the words in time with the music …
28 So when you see a pair of horses move round and so that you do get them separated as they are , or any animal , not just horses , any animals really , get them separated , er or any , any object really , it 's better to have a little bit of separation .
29 Is the Chancellor aware that not so long ago I met a chap in Blackpool who said to me , ’ When you see that Chancellor of the Duchy , tell him that I want to give him a piece of my mind : not only is the poll tax three times higher than the rates , but I have lost my job , my wife has been waiting for an operation for two years , my daughter has lost her maternity grant through this Tory Government and my son has lost his income support — so when you see the chairman of the Tory party , will you tell him that I want to meet him to discuss this matter at the top of the Blackpool Tower ? ’
30 So when you see the forecast figures and , and , in , in the , the , that 's what our plan is .
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