Example sentences of "[adv] up the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 He has described how on that summer morning he tip-toed alone up the back-stairs to the bedroom where her body lay :
2 It was not far enough , as there was still downward straggle , so we moved further up the ladder to cubes .
3 He blinked his pale grey eyes , took a careless look around himself before walking smartly up the driveway to Roirbak 's complex , an array of wafer-thin data cards — the discerning burglar 's equivalent of a crowbar — ready to hand .
4 Skillfully , Gerrard maneuvered the microphone away from her and moved quickly up the aisle to the back of the audience ; and the camera , pushed by a sweating man in a stained white shirt , followed him .
5 Continue directly up the crack to the small overhang .
6 They could make their way over that and eventually up the cliff to the eleventh green of the golf-course , to the gate in the garden wall .
7 Then he moved a little up the canyon to where the jutting rocks made a rough natural staircase and held out his hand .
8 But he ignored them , leaping straight up the spiral to his father 's room .
9 Climb straight up the V-groove to ledges ( more fulmars ) than take the short crack above or the ramp on the left to finish .
10 The Route : A thin crack running straight up the pass to left of the obvious ‘ rainbow ’ feature .
11 She looked wistfully up the companionway to the square of blue sky , but fought the urge to go up on deck , scared he might ask her to do something that would reveal her ignorance .
12 The group of circles formed a genus , and the genera could similarly be arranged in circles , and so on up the scale to higher groupings .
13 Go north to the stile , then up the slope to the fence and National Trust sign .
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