Example sentences of "[adv] just [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You put those , you ai n't got oh no , fair enough just play for the one five P then .
2 Harrods , Boots and many large department stores offer free make-up consultations so just ask at the counter .
3 So just skim through the first ten lines then eleven to the end really concentrate on .
4 I 'm coming Bryony , I think she 's shouting now , do n't come downstairs with your trousers round your ankles ooh oh what a clever girl , stand still while I wipe your bot , ooh come here , bendy over , touch your toes , clever girl , down you go , that 's it , what a clever girl , right just hold on a minute , wait a minute , let me put some water in here and then , oh dear
5 Okay if you 're left handed then then I guess you 're probably gon na feel more comfortable that way round erm but while you 're using this and while you 're making a point about what you 've written just just stand to the side of it I usually put me hand up have done there just make the points to be made , yes .
6 it might be better to use like just wait on the edge of like a or something like that the other groundhog just hangs out there , it ca n't go back down in its hole .
7 Oh I do n't know actually it it was it was quite dramatic when I left the band because I went into variety you know and er some of those put bands are something else , cos some of the guys were sort of semi pros like just come from the mine shaft you know .
8 you ca n't compare the ca , the power like just say in a place like Turkey which is absolutely rotten !
9 Also just think of the troubles in our own Northern Ireland , right on our doorstep .
10 But I have actually slept top-to-tail when we 've had parties and it 's too late for the lads to go home , now just get into the bed top-to-tail and keep each other warm so that the winter and yeah
11 Right so if we differentiate our demand function we get that alright , nothing that for our elasticity we want one over D P D Q okay , so our elasticity you could write as one over minus beta A Q to the minus beta plus one right , times our price quantity ratio which if we now just substitute in the price , so that we have got A Q to the minus beta , right over Q , right , that equals A Q to the minus beta minus one over minus beta A Q minus beta to the minus one right which cancels to give us minus one over beta .
12 Now just think for a minute what that involves .
13 Erm well just go to the final question now I mean Erm when th now the flats are emptying out and they 're coming down , erm and what what do you see is gon na be the problem ?
14 Well just click on the on pop-up so you get a a new a new window .
15 ‘ If so I 'll walk down with you , and then we might do a bit of visiting afterwards or even just go for a walk . ’
16 So saying , when my wife Catherine died of cancer , Anthea sent me persistent invitations to spend a few days at her cottage , or even just come for a meal .
17 But she says I sometimes just walk across the road and go to the Meeting House at you know
18 Carbonate it 's the same again just chuck in the extra C O two .
19 We seldom just start at the beginning and read straight through sequentially to the end .
20 Yeah , a single strip that they actually just feed into the ring and then put the balls in .
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