Example sentences of "[adv] only [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Brando is like a creature from a different world and time , a lumbering dinosaur who can perhaps only survive in post-modern MTV Hollywood as a kind of comic carnival turn .
2 For example , we apparently only came to some understanding of how the heart worked when we had within our conceptual framework the notion of a pump .
3 At lunch time Derek and I almost caused a riot in the dining hall , because between us we could obviously only sit at two tables at once and every table wanted us to sit with them .
4 The living-room has a lived-in feel about it and the parlour , so immaculately tidy was so obviously only used for special occasions .
5 Alternatively , they may have been mistreated , and so only respond to that particular stimulus .
6 This means that its touring shows are normally only seen in secondary schools .
7 The collective community charge is paid by landlords of some properties where people normally only stay for short periods .
8 Each new barrel costs £1.50 ; they are normally only used for one race and there are 50 barrels on a raft .
9 Although technically possible on magnetic tape , logarithmic searches are too slow to be economic , so they are normally only considered for direct access devices .
10 He repeatedly uses the pronoun ‘ She ’ along with ‘ her ’ and describes the train 's movements such as ‘ bouncing ’ which one would normally only connect with human activity but here it enables one to envisage in one 's mind a picture of a regal figure ‘ gliding like a queen ’ down the tracks of the railway .
11 With the lack of time county selectors may normally only select from those players nominated from either schools and clubs .
12 Strong or dark shades are normally only found in nomadic and tribal rugs .
13 Organic molecules , some of them of the same general types as are normally only found in living things , have spontaneously assembled themselves in these flasks .
14 Welwyn Garden City local council in Hertfordshire has stopped cutting grass verges on one site to preserve a specimen of the bee orchid , a rare plant normally only found in Mediterranean climates .
15 It turns out that the intensity of gravitational radiation predicted by this linearized theory generally only differs by small numerical factors from the results of more exact calculations ( Davis et al.
16 That means 13 million cars , more than half the total in Britain , could easily be running on unleaded fuel now , yet sales of unleaded six months after the budget still only amounted to 20 per cent of total fuel revenue .
17 Although debt enquiries still only account for 6 — 7 per cent of total enquiries , the severity of the problems means that each case can take over 12 hours of interviewing and office work to handle .
18 With Global Strategy you can spread your investment monies widely , if you wish , whilst still only dealing with one fund manager .
19 But I can still only see through half my eye .
20 Every episode of Eldorado is still only watched by four million viewers .
21 IT , OT and CTT policies do not include a ‘ more specifically insured ’ exclusion so even if an expensive ring for example , which may be lost or stolen , is separately insured under a Home or All Risks policy we can still only deal with this on an independent liability basis .
22 Armistice Day is still only celebrated in Southern Ireland by protestants : as late as the early 1970s , you could still tell a protestant by his poppy on 11 November .
23 Usually only get like that but
24 The cover is usually only granted on portable/mobile plant and the wording makes clear that General Exception 2 relating to fire , theft , etc. does not apply to this cover .
25 On learning that the French called them disparagingly " boites d'allumettes " — matchboxes and that they were usually only used by poor Annamese , the senator had suddenly elected to ride in one with his sons and meet the Frenchman at the market .
26 These threats were not idle , although they were usually only directed at those who did n't do much business .
27 But I probably only used about five guitars in total .
28 It differs from the more-or-less subconscious concept of " the gentle rain from heaven " type of sedimentation , which probably only applies in special circumstances such as those of the oceanic oozes .
29 the objects to which men give most preference , their ideals , proceed from the same perceptions and experiences as the objects which they most abhor , and … they were originally only distinguished from one another through slight modifications …
30 These generally relied on voluntary action by the relevant professional associations , although they have often only come after protracted negotiations following official investigations .
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