Example sentences of "[adv] than [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Better than finding them in a flap and fearing higher rates , as they were a week ago .
2 Bowes Museum is an art museum not a theme park , exercising children 's eyes and minds — their curiosity , powers of observation and fledgling intelligence — rather than taking them on a rollercoaster ride .
3 Try simple tack repairs yourself rather than taking them to a saddler .
4 Art helps us to break out of this prison-house by subverting conventional sign-systems and forcing us to focus our attention on signs themselves rather than taking them for granted .
5 Similarly , in an effort to reach an accommodation with women trade unionists , the NUSEC rejected the traditional nineteenth-century feminist opposition to protective legislation , pledging to work for the extension of such legislation to men rather than opposing it for women .
6 Two and a half years ago the Home Office introduced the Caution scheme , encouraging police to use their discretion to give some young offenders a warning , rather than sending them to court .
7 Indeed so high was their reputation for self-denial in this respect that in the first years of the twentieth century the brothers Paul and Jules Cambon , French ambassadors in London and Berlin respectively , entrusted their private correspondence regularly to the British diplomatic bag rather than sending it through the French ministry of foreign affairs or the French post office : if either of these channels had been used it would almost certainly have been opened and read .
8 Please return them as soon as possible , rather than using them for storage .
9 They take the intensity of soul and clench it into a fist rather than using it as a form of release .
10 Women started to have fewer children in total , and to concentrate childbearing in early adulthood , rather than spreading it throughout their fertile years .
11 I am an advocate of concentrating money market business rather than spreading it among a large number of banks ; so long as banks know that they are in competition it does not matter if they are competing with two or three others , or 50 : if they do not offer the best rate they will not get the business .
12 Anyway , rather than attributing it to my childhood , I prefer to believe that I was born into the world with greater or lesser faculties than other people and that I can take full responsibility for them .
13 These criticisms were ignored ( although delivered by persons of world-wide reputation such as Carl Sauer ) , received a hostile and defensive reaction , or were absorbed by transforming them into a technical issue — rather than facing them as a social and political one .
14 Does he feel that he might try to persuade Mr. Collins at their next meeting to devote a little more time to the containment of that particular problem rather than wasting it on demands that a policeman accompany every Army patrol in Northern Ireland , presumably to ensure that the Special Air Services remember to say ’ please ’ and ’ thank you ’ to any civilian they may encounter ?
15 Johnson 's problem was the IAAF 's problem , and the bottom line was that when he was caught cheating in Seoul , the powers-that-be imposed the statutory punishment of two years rather than banning him for life .
16 Our plans for local government will bring decision-making closer to the people rather than alienating them by imposing an extra layer of bureaucracy on top of local government .
17 If you like hanging out washing rather than drying it in the bowels of an expensive machine , you will need to tuck away a line and make a dry path to get to and from it .
18 Other proposals made by Konrad Oberhuber of the Albertina , Vienna , include attributing all the grisaille paintings in the exhibition to Mantegna 's own hand rather than dividing them between the master and his workshop , and assigning the magnificent ‘ The Man of Sorrows with two Angels ’ from Copenhagen one of the show 's great revelations to a much earlier dating than the 1500 given it by Christiansen and earlier scholars .
19 The challengers have also all adopted a slightly different approach to PageMaker in that they have provided many of the creation tools within the desktop publishing program rather than leaving them to the more specialised stand-alone products .
20 I keep everything loose in glass jars ( you can wash and save any that you buy ) , which prolongs their life , rather than leaving them in the packets .
21 To repeat , however , the interpretation of competitive strength as current strength is preferable , because it focuses the dynamic management of the group portfolio on the grid itself , rather than leaving it as an inference of the underlying analysis .
22 It may also turn out Mr Livingstone lost because more constituencies this year balloted their full membership , rather than leaving it to their activist general committees to decide .
23 So perhaps another note for Mr Patten 's no doubt very full in-tray is to look again at the decision to close down the body responsible for developing Milton Keynes , and start a new government initiative to encourage more new settlements throughout the region , rather than leaving it to private consortia to chance their arms through a development control system which seems unable to accommodate new initiatives in planning .
24 Make your own plants , take cuttings or divisions from neighbours ' plants , rather than buying them from nurseries .
25 Enhancements to Gemstone include improved cache functions , which enable temporary objects to be held in memory rather than writing them to disk ; disk clustering , and reduced object identification size .
26 This involves a willingness to acknowledge that co-operation can be difficult and that mistakes will occur , and a commitment to making the solving of problems a priority , rather than allowing them to fester .
27 Although controversial , and greatly disliked by the judiciary , this is clearly intended to divert petty persistent offenders away from custody by ruling out custodial penalties for such offenders altogether rather than allowing them to ‘ progress up the tariff ’ .
28 Europa Europa , on the other hand , holds Solomon 's predicament up for our detached scrutiny , rather than involving us at gut level .
29 That the girls might be unaware of the camera rather than seducing it to death .
30 Surely this is the moment when the strong west should be able to offer a hand of assistance to those countries , rather than holding them at arm 's length while it completes its own internal workings .
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