Example sentences of "[adv] as an [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was interpreted locally as an endorsement of the plans of President Alberto Keinya Fujimori to return the country to formal democratic rule following his army-backed presidential coup on April 5 [ see pp. 38846-47 ] .
2 The Commander rubbed his chin vigorously as an aid to thought .
3 ACE exists predominantly as an ectoenzyme of vascular endothelial cells and plays a key part in the renin-angiotensin and kallikrein-kinin systems by activating angiotensin I into angiotensin II and inactivating bradykinin .
4 Not only was the value of education and health to economic growth seriously questioned but fears were being expressed that high public expenditure in these areas was acting rather as an obstacle to economic growth .
5 Gramsci saw the dichotomy between the two not as a centre-periphery relationship but rather as an aspect of the way in which the interests of monopoly capital used the state to keep the undeveloped areas repressed and passive ; Gramsci describes the south variously as ‘ a semi-colonial market ’ , a ‘ source of savings and taxes ’ and a ‘ pool of cheap docile reserve labour ’ .
6 So Moore 's method can hardly allow us to attach any intrinsic value to education at all ; its value must be that of a means to other things or perhaps as an element in some larger whole of value .
7 But Marion Molteno leaves things in the air , where they belong — perhaps as an indication of how much there still is to do that whispers ‘ whatever you do , do n't do nothing … ’
8 In the second chapel of the left aisle is another miraculous painting , a fourteenth-century fresco of the Madonna with Child called the Madonna of the Tears because it was seen to cry on 13 July in 1620 , perhaps as an omen of the plague .
9 Since law should be viewed basically as an instrument for realizing certain practical objectives many felt that a genuine scientific study of law must examine its functioning through the experimental methods of the social sciences .
10 It can not have been easy for a man in his fifties to start afresh as an instrument-maker in London .
11 Lord Morris said that a consideration of the facts and documents led him to the view that the solus agreement , the loan agreement and the mortgage could be linked together as an instance of one transaction and that the intention was that in providing that the mortgage should be irredeemable for the period of the tie it should become a support for the solus agreement .
12 Both of these sequences epitomise an experiment with geometries , during which the use of figures was refined , apparently as an adjunct to a general development of arrangements .
13 ‘ Although only heaven or more probably hell knows why I must , ’ he murmured unevenly , apparently as an addendum to the words that had been dragged from him just before he kissed her .
14 He is a very beautiful person to look at when he is shaven , about 25 I should think [ he was just 30 , as she probably knew ] , always laughing or quarrelling à la Rotonde … he horrifies some English friends by tubbing at two-hour intervals in the garden and occasionally lighting up all after midnight , apparently as an aid to sculpturing Babel . ’
15 The relation between the world and God is not one of reciprocal dependence : the world exists only as an act of divine favour .
16 In any case the State Department was uncertain about the nature of the Vietminh 's communist connections — ‘ possibly in indirect touch with Moscow and direct touch with Yenan ’ — and French influence was reckoned to be important not only as an antidote to Soviet influence but also to protect Vietnam and Southeast Asia from ‘ future Chinese imperialism ’ .
17 Second , the trade-union movement continued to grow while the Labour Party established itself ( if only as an adjunct of Liberalism ) , and as both institutions were significant expressions of sectional interests , they created apprehension among the political authorities .
18 He says he meant the remark only as an expression of affection .
19 The comparison , of course , is useful only as an invitation to further assessment .
20 Compensation for cross boundary flows suffered from a number of flaws and disincentives : a Compensation was not made in cash but only as an adjustment to a district 's RAWP target after a two-year time lag .
21 Such measurements , particularly if they show acidosis , may be valuable not only as an indicator of the severity of the event but also to help distinguish between fabricated events and suffocation in those patients in whom child abuse is the cause .
22 To this extent our framework is artificial and offered only as an aide-mémoire for theoretical intricacies richer than we have made them .
23 Research revealed that people were prepared to buy raisins , but only as an ingredient for the store cupboard .
24 Skocpol ( 1979 ) , in a study of three revolutions , concludes that although ‘ questions of state power have been basic in social-revolutionary transformations … state power can not be understood only as an instrument of class domination , nor can changes in state structure be explained primarily in terms of class conflicts ’ ( p. 284 ) ; while Hall ( 1985 ) , in contrasting agrarian civilizations with industrial societies is mainly concerned , as was Max Weber , with the ‘ rise of the West ’ as a modernizing , progressive force , and with its possible decline as industrialization spreads throughout the world .
25 This is also why paint applications do n't have very good text handling , because once the text is on the image , it ca n't be edited again in the normal way , only as an area of colour .
26 His progress was predictably rapid , and after eighteen months he made the move to television , even though it was only as an assistant on Pets and Vets , an animal welfare show .
27 Sally-Anne Tunstall was a thing to be handled , used , of value only as an avenue to her papa 's wealth .
28 ( A suggestion made by Alasdair MacIntyre that emotivism is promising only as an account of the use of ethical words in a society lacking shared values could not reasonably be extended to the attitudinism I have described . )
29 The sonnet stands not only as an account of some private instance but as a representative account of the pressures and inevitable containment of individuals by powerful forces outside their control .
30 In the theatre , stage lighting varies in brightness , but it is often sufficient for video recording purposes , even if only as an aid to rehearsals .
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