Example sentences of "[adv] as [pers pn] [vb past] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Coming back round by the house for the third time , she got quite above herself , and the bike began to wobble alarmingly as she fought to control it .
2 She was always demanding something to the extent that she completely upset the ward routine and had the nursing staff , much as they tried to sympathize with her , at the end of their tethers .
3 Much as he desired to make cuts , Eisenhower in the end decided not to risk a general crisis in the Atlantic alliance by precipitate unilateral action .
4 Much as he wanted to pound Ralf into the mud , he contented himself with sending the fellow a narrow-eyed glare which brought a look of respectful caution to the pedlar 's usually cheerful countenance .
5 I thought then that , much as I longed to see him , it might be as well to start hoping he would n't come back until I could truthfully tell him there would be no baby .
6 Much as I wanted to read the good news on my walk home from the newspaper shop , I was forced to concentrate on my footing on broken and delapidated pavements , strewn with take-away food rubbish , wrappings of all kinds , and collections of weeds , heaps of dog dirt and drinks cans .
7 Much as I tried to break in several times , they always caught me and would n't let me in to see the poor people travelling .
8 Much as she deserved to travel the world with people of her own social standing , she could no longer hope to do so with a happy hear and a clear conscience .
9 Much as she hated to admit it , there was a certain crazy logic in Candy 's theory .
10 Much as she hated to admit it , it was a nice name , masculine , strong , yet soft and pleasant to the ear .
11 It was a pursuit which we could only continue , of course , so long as we managed to sell our films to commercial television simply on the strength of their entertainment value .
12 ‘ Leeds City could not be suspended as a club — we had no power to do that ; but so long as they refused to give up those vital papers , we could have no way out save by expelling them .
13 Luckily Tim Dunton had been very understanding , telling her not to worry and to take as long as she needed to sort matters out .
14 Eve had been there for as long as she remembered to help her fight her battles .
15 Why not go along with Luke 's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink ?
16 He said the atmosphere at each gathering had been one of calm , loving concern , and this would continue for as long as it took to get the children home .
17 ‘ Again , I lived with Mike for as long as it took to get the divorce and then I arranged the wedding .
18 Writing a doctorate on the British response to the church conflict in Nazi Germany , I was well aware that Dietrich Bonhoeffer had refused to grant that the established national Protestant Church was in fact a Christian church so long as it refused to ordain people who were racially Jewish .
19 Paul wriggled , and the look on his face seemed to indicate that he would n't actually mind wasting anything , just so long as he got to hit the bell with his plank of wood .
20 For him , this meant giving master classes in duplicity in order to keep both Axis and Allies in play for as long as he needed to achieve his economic , military and , above all , territorial objectives .
21 ‘ So long as he promised to give the heroine more character and personality , that is .
22 He said the Government had failed to understand the depth of feeling amongst unionists , especially as they had to share the council chamber with Sinn Fein .
23 As the ubiquity of stellar coronae had only just been discovered with the Einstein Observatory , the absence of coronae for stars of this type was tantalizing , especially as they seemed to disappear rather rapidly ( on an evolutionary timescale ) .
24 Disgruntled at not being attended to immediately , especially as he wanted to buy a large country mansion , he stormed out and decided to buy an estate in France instead .
25 ‘ The name my mother put on the birth certificate as the child 's father , ’ he explained impatiently as he turned to face her .
26 ‘ There , ’ said Penry , putting her aside gently as he prepared to pilot the Angharad into her anchorage .
27 Little by little the Grants began to do more things together as they came to trust each other , and to find enjoyment in each other 's company .
28 The flowers had dripped all down his trousers , his face was frighteningly lacking in colour , he was trembling , and his lips seemed to be sticking together as he tried to speak .
29 He waved her away as she ran to help .
30 Christina touched the side of his jeep and jumped away as it began to rock .
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