Example sentences of "[adv] had [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 So much had happened in the last few months .
2 Thirty years , of course , divide the publication of Jane Austen 's novels from the appearance of Disraeli 's trilogy , and much had happened in the interim to make the Gothic house grow serious .
3 So much had changed in the city .
4 By the time the first censuses were undertaken in Britain , much had changed in the structure of society as well as in the nature of the state itself .
5 After her death , he advertised for a housekeeper with a view to matrimony but unfortunately the first lady who took the job decamped after a few days , taking with her his prized possessions and helped by a male friend who apparently had kept in the background .
6 Gazzer only had to stand in the middle of the towpath and wait as the man approached him .
7 They had missed the track the night before so had to sleep in the bush with but one blanket each .
8 With Lord Hailsham 's retirement as Lord Chancellor in 1988 , Mrs Thatcher alone had remained in the same post and only Peter Walker , George Younger , and Sir Geoffrey Howe had been in the Cabinet continuously .
9 Whereas the developments noted above had appeared in the context of branches of physical geography , in 1971 Physical Geography A Systems Approach was published ( Chorley and Kennedy , 1971 ) .
10 The most difficult thing I ever had to do in the cinema was to kiss Christopher Reeve .
11 Two thirds of these , however , have a range of less than 160 km ; so the weapons could drop on the alliance 's own territory if it ever had to retreat in the face of an attack by the Warsaw Pact .
12 Slaley Hall , in Northumberland , also had to call in the receivers , development of a new complex at Loch Lomond has also halted while East Sussex National has had its problems .
13 Not content with just the interminable Benson and Hedges World Series Cup , the players also had to fit in the Benson and Hedges Challenge between the fourth and fifth Tests , a jamboree dreamed up to latch on to the sporting frenzy which the TV and marketing people had decreed would seize the nation when the America 's Cup yacht races were staged off Fremantle .
14 In all three works it seemed a little too often as if you simply had to programme in the appropriate music , push the right button , and out it came with a pat brilliance , with an irreproachable but impersonal expertise .
15 She and Oliver ran through the downpour to Cobalt 's car and then had to wait in the inadequate shelter of the wall until he arrived .
16 The land for the strip had not even become available , Keker reminded him , until January 1986 , and the only aircraft that had ever landed there had stuck in the mud ; but North could not be persuaded that his memo was ‘ incompatible with the realities of things ’ .
17 An instant later she recalled the forty-year-old lady , who twenty-five years earlier had stood in the same place and had waved at her father in the same way .
18 She gave him the cup ; a little had spilled in the saucer , because her hand was n't quite steady .
19 And indeed , where little had happened in the years before December 1557 , there was an alarming upsurge of Protestant activity in 1558 .
20 Whether or not Dom Pérignon added sugar is of little importance here , but it is likely that someone somewhere had engaged in the practice and , in all probability , the sugaring of wine may have been quite commonplace .
21 However , this was not the key issue for Great Russians , those who historically had participated in the dismemberment of Poland and oppressed its people .
22 Safire too had worked in the OEOB for a while , as a speechwriter .
23 He enjoyed the fury , not always speechless , of the good Conservatives who occasionally had to stand in the corridor , popping their eyes at this spectacle of enthroned privilege .
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