Example sentences of "[adv] his [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 That which he projects ahead of him as his ideal is merely his substitute for the lost narcissism of his childhood — the time when he was his own ideal .
2 Beecher , safe in Brooklyn , began sending not only his prayers for the abolitionists but arms in boxes labelled Bibles .
3 He stood , at least , for honesty in sexual dealings : hence his preference for the prostitute over the grisette .
4 The visit to Scotland , which reinforced both his affection for the beauty of that country and his interest in her history ( for he was always attached to small countries or communities which had clung to their traditions ) had produced the poem ‘ Rannoch , by Glencoe ’ , published in the New English Weekly , 17 October 1935 .
5 This approach , putting the music first , explains why Jarvefelt 's career blossomed at Santa Fe and in Sydney and also his appeal for the New York Met : operatic naturalism and story-telling are still the predominant aesthetic in all these places .
6 Hoving proved his own worst enemy , and eventually his taste for the tinsel and show of the art world overtook whatever feeling he had for the art itself , and he left the museum after his cherished Arts Communication Center ( to be funded by Walter Annenberg , with Hoving as its head ) , a nebulous film-studio-cum-information centre to be built in gallery space reserved for the European decorative arts department , was dissolved after much local criticism .
7 Much more serious , Nijinsky 's summer holiday and then his preparation for the St Leger had both been painfully interrupted by an attack of ringworm , which cost him almost all his hair .
8 He was only President " by accident " and indeed his qualifications for the job seemed modest .
9 This conflict between the judges and the Lord Chancellor 's Department erupted when Lord Mackay put forward his proposals for the reform of the legal profession .
10 He placed a strong emphasis on welfare measures , expressing again his concern for the victims of the Depression .
11 Poole was again his choice for the male role , with another of the young South African dancers , Patricia Miller , as Beauty .
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