Example sentences of "[adv] from [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The family may choose to minimise differences and emphasise the need to attach and integrate the child within the family network , perhaps from the moment the child enters the family , as part of the love , warmth and attention which a young child needs and which is the hallmark of good parenting .
2 People 's suspicions are quickly aroused , so from the outset the congregation must appreciate the purpose and significance of the exercise and be assured that confidentiality will be preserved .
3 Its title in French , La Jalousie , means both jealousy and window shutter or blind ; so from the outset the reader is taken into a maze of contending meanings .
4 There were no photocopying machines in those days so from the day the collection was shown the sketchers had to work frantically for two or three weeks afterwards from about eight to midnight drawing models for all the clients .
5 An animal capable of symbolization can carry away from a situation an inner trace that stands in for the response it may make when it next encounters the situation .
6 As we walk away from the Broadway the pavements become empty .
7 TO THOSE of us born and bred away from the capital the mention of the name Nine Elms conjures up visions of leafy glades and the home counties .
8 A warrior named No Heart delayed the soldiers ' pursuit , parleying across the river with Howard before promptly slapping his buttocks in derision and galloping away from the man the Nez Perce were now calling ‘ General Day After Tomorrow ’ .
9 But if he was away from the Institute the day she disappeared … .
10 Well I went to , erm they would n't let me go to work on the aircraft so I left and I went to work and the Walsall Electric Company , it was within Walsall and I was there when V E day happened and er a pal of mine said he knew where I could get this job and oh it was travelling about which I enjoyed and er I , I went then to work for Elwells I was there until I went in the army , but they were very much heavy transport and in those days the opencast mining started happening as well and we were taking diggers about bulldozers and tractors , scrapers for the opencast mining and I remember , in the bad winter of forty-seven , they , they took up a big part of Park , trees and everything and they never found a bit of coal and yet when started levelling off at Darleston , for Bentley Garden Village as it was then called , er they were getting coal out and people were going up with prams , barrows and everything and fetching it all out it was only being levelled for building work , and fetching coal , natural coal off Bentley Common the erm I 've wandering off away from the airport a bit have n't I ?
11 As we move away from the equator the climate becomes drier , then wetter again in mid-latitudes , and then drier again towards the poles .
12 But they are also a world away from the technology the major car manufacturers know best — the cutting , press-forming , welding and painting of metal .
13 Away from the island the wind converted itself into a westerly and we were surfing at ten knots even with two slabs in the main and the genoa furled to almost nothing .
14 At some distance away from the gap the equipotentials will be planes and the field lines will be circles .
15 Left was away from the place the Mobile had last seen him , away from Neptune Court .
16 Alford , a former councillor , broke away from the party a few years ago , and has stood as an independent Labour candidate in local elections since .
17 Away from the house the road went through the fields .
18 Thus from the beginning the community in Donegal found themselves in opposition to state policy when they raised questions over the implications of uranium prospecting and mining .
19 Thus from the beginning the BUF exhibited a Janus-faced appearance ; it was a movement which was intellectually the most coherent and rational of all the fascist parties in Europe in its early years , yet whose aggressive style and vigorous self-defence attracted political violence .
20 Still from the tower the pigeons flutter ,
21 In fact , even aside from the Act the tort and the crime have cut loose from whatever common origin they had .
22 Even so , the unpleasantness of these duties arises less from contact with things which the police consider either literally or metaphorically unclean ( such as decomposed bodies and the ‘ dregs and scum of society ’ ) , and more from the risk the police run of displaying emotion .
23 One Saturday night his father came home from the pub the worse for drink and as usual he picked on Chopper 's mother .
24 Being for once in the mood to get things right , Phoebe had brought home from the library a book about dragonflies .
25 But some few weeks later she happened to bring home from the library a volume of Marx 's early writings .
26 Again , this view is related to Pius XI 's , as expressed in Divini Illius Magistri : ‘ The family holds directly from the Creator the mission and hence the rights to educate the offspring , a right inalienable because inseparably joined to the strict obligation , a right anterior to any right whatever of civil society and of the State … ’ ( 1929 : 14 ) .
27 But you also need to be quick with your movements to capture a spontaneous quality , so either mix all your colours in advance , so your rhythm is n't slowed , or apply colours straight from the tube a mix on the canvas .
28 But clearly from the beginning the stations were included within media conglomerates , partly by government and IBA design and partly by the natural interest of media investors .
29 Right from the beginning the Immigration Laws have been an attack on black people as workers .
30 Right from the beginning the dieter should be learning to eat according to internal hunger cues and not to binge .
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