Example sentences of "[adv] from [art] [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise , they may find that they have given a huge advantage to their competitors , without benefiting sufficiently from the opportunities that have been made available to them .
2 The Kuwait the Kuwait cities are designed in such a way that the military installations and erm are outside the country , so from the eyewitnesses that we receive that all the bombings are on the outskirts of the city , no damage to Kuwait City or to the civilians inside Kuwait .
3 We know , for instance , that the bulk of the bronze currency in circulation in the northern provinces of the Roman empire in the middle of the third century AD consisted of worn second-century sestertii only from the hoards that can be dated to those years .
4 I think you 're just running away from the difficulties that that entails .
5 Like light , they carry energy away from the objects that emit them .
6 One , one of the most common question of the last weeks are we yes last weeks Sunday visiting that I was involved with in my ward was from people who were perturbed , not about means testing because that is not the word that it was about , but about something that is on the same kind of sphere and that was about whether erm East Gates which decided to be their own managers would also be able to their own tenants and keep the ones that were less suitable away from the ones that knew that they were suitable .
7 Pearson 's enforced demotion within his own company , and the distaste shown by his partners for experiments that veered too sharply away from the comedies that had established Welsh-Pearson 's reputation , is generally taken as evidence of the conservatism inherent in the film industry .
8 The King 's Cross development may draw money away from the projects that my hon. Friend has listed .
9 But we can not get away from the realities that each of these individual areas of enquiry has brought to light .
10 She had to get them away from the rocks that edged the shore like jagged teeth .
11 It was n't until she turned away from the elms that Artemis realized she was not alone .
12 It takes guts to break away from the ties that bind you .
13 To sum up , a number of interlocking factors have operated to shift the focus of concern about the impact of technological change on the quality of working life towards physical hazard from using the equipment ( eg radiation and eye damage from VDUs , equipment design ) and away from the ways that software , job design and work organisation could produce jobs that workers experienced as stressful , fatiguing and dehumanising .
14 In general respectability was achieved and the consequence of that was that the movies had moved somewhat decisively away from the masses that had helped to create the industry .
15 Time , right , I am moving the amendment the reference back and I 'm handing those papers to the Chief Executive and I 'm gon na ask the Chief Executive to get someone independent to do this because you ca n't get away from the numbers that the numbers I 've get someone independent I 'll ask for that .
16 The content of these remarks she could guess all too easily from the pin-ups that were displayed on walls and pillars everywhere , pages torn from soft-porn magazines depicting glossy-lipped naked women with bulging breasts and buttocks , pouting and posturing indecently .
17 Why then are there not more amateur productions in the new season erm in in the studio erm not just from the companies that actually use the studio at the moment .
18 I heard later from the servants that he had spoken to Mrs Reed about me , and that she had agreed immediately to send me to school .
19 But some of mining 's convenient holes are in inconvenient places , far from the cities that generate most waste .
20 Fgf-4 RNA is localized to the posterior half of the AER , and the affinity of FGF-4 protein for extracellular matrix components presumably prevents it from diffusing very far from the cells that secrete it .
21 There is no suggestion even in the passage quoted earlier from the Acts that as Christians we should strive for communism and equality — rather our concern within the church community should be a genuine caring for those in need .
22 Let your imagination roan with your desperately running heroine firmly in the centre of your mind and then from the incidents that will ( if you have a ration of luck ) spring up , arrange them in order of difficulty , if your intuition has not done that already for you .
23 The actresses , of course , were frequently loaned gowns by the house free of charge for the publicity that would be gained when they were pictured wearing them , and there were those among the society women who considered themselves above coming to the couture , ordering instead from the videos that nowadays replaced the weeks of shows of the old days — and staying away all the more determinedly as the great Paris houses vied with one another to tempt them to lend their presence to the occasion .
24 Virtually every plant that has grey leaves will press well ( apart from the ones that are too fat in the leaf ) , so you will have to decide which shapes and shades appeal to you the most .
25 He does n't know any individual apart from the ones that are in there every day . ’
26 Throughout the training programme we discussed the ways in which people are disabled — not by limited ability but by a number of barriers that keep them apart from the activities that the rest of their communities are involved in .
27 Apart from the lamps that gave a yellow glow to the leaves , the only light came from the big windows of the Communist club which was packed on both floors , its discotheque going full swing .
28 Apart from the projects that I have mentioned , there is the electrification of the trans-Pennine routes , the electrification of the Perth-Inverness line , the modernisation of the London , Tilbury and Southend line , Thameslink 2000 and the potential modernisation of the north Kent line .
29 Apart from the issues that affect Mr. Thorpe personally , questions are raised by this form of treatment that affect any national health service patient who is similarly afflicted .
30 In entertainment I 'd think the reduc cost reductions there were pretty well , er restricted to good housekeeping , but from fine china er , we managed to transfer the , the er , work in the Minton factory to the Knowle Street factory and that allowed us to close the Minton factory and quite apart from the redundancies that entailed , we saved something like two hundred and fifty thousand er , non staff related overhead .
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