Example sentences of "[adv] at a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Sandinistas in government are somewhat at a loss for their own charismatic figure , but continue to draw amply on the ( revised ) ideology and mythology of Sandino himself and of the martyred heroes of the revolution .
2 I tend to have a lot of sausage and bacon because it 's easier and my time is somewhat at a premium with around a dozen cattle to care for .
3 Stalin and Molotov suddenly at a meeting of the Council of Commissars … proposed that the control figures of the plan be increased twofold … in June 1930 , Stalin suddenly announced sharp increases in the goals — for pig iron , from 10 million to 17 million tons by the last year of the plan ; for tractors , from 55,000 to 170,000 ; for other agricultural machinery and trucks , an increase of more than 100 per cent .
4 All apparently at a cost of as little as £11,000 .
5 ‘ I suppose we 'll see passenger flights after this , ‘ he looked thoughtfully at a bottle of beer .
6 He gazes thoughtfully at a spot about halfway up the wall , blinking slowly .
7 Seeing Rohan , even fleetingly in a crowd , would simply have caused her more pain , especially at a wedding with all its attendant might-have-beens , she told herself forcefully .
8 In any case rail rates were high and for coal transport the canals seemed a logical proposition , especially at a time of economic recession .
9 Especially at a time of recession and high unemployment , it is hard to give up a source of income and jobs .
10 Carroll in Forest Gate argued that ‘ class legislation ’ was impossible , ‘ especially at a time like the present when the nation is stirred to its very vitals by unemployment and general stagnation of trade ’ ( Election leaflet 1921 ) .
11 Separated elements of electricity were supposed to act on each other instantaneously at a distance across empty space with a force depending on the separation and the motion of the elements .
12 It is now a listed building and it is maintained annually at a cost of £1,000 a time .
13 The woman was older than me , a certain rock star 's girlfriend , an American who was in the shop all the time , obviously at a bit of a loose end while her boyfriend was touring .
14 I I I have to say that I I I I 'm not enthusiastic about using this which is so obviously at a report in support of the particular locations , to look objectively at the criteria .
15 Burrowing species are obviously at a disadvantage in such situations , although some species are able to escape by swimming .
16 It 's now available for only seven shows out of twenty seven in the next programme and only on the first night of each show and only at a cost of two pounds and these are the audience of tomorrow as I wrote to you Mr you neglect these people at your peril why 've you changed the scheme ?
17 Acknowledging that austere fiscal policies introduced in July 1988 [ see p. 36698 ] were responsible for the fall , analysts noted it was achieved only at a cost of increased unemployment and bankruptcies .
18 Both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations have demonstrated that plumes can arise only at a boundary between convective regimes , such as that between the Earth 's core and mantle at a depth of 2,900 km .
19 It follows that a singularity may normally be considered as occurring only at a boundary of space-time .
20 The point is that black people are not only at a disadvantage in the job market on account of their colour , they also perceive sharply that this is so and , despite Johnson 's tongue-in-cheek addendum , the consciousness of belonging to a group which feels itself to be at a disadvantage is clear enough .
21 The temperatures deeper into Jupiter will certainly not fall below 170 K. Thus , although the measured value of 170 K is only at a pressure of 1 bar , the pressure-temperature path on the molecular hydrogen phase-diagram as we descend to higher pressures never crosses the line ending at the critical-point .
22 They argued that sinners were quite unable to attain salvation through their own merits or through the long process of confession , repentance , and partial purification , and that justification or redemption was obtainable only at a stroke through the gift of faith from God made possible by Christ 's sacrifice .
23 The way was now open for peace negotiations with France , and these negotiations inevitably looked rather like the negotiations which had ended the wars against Louis XIV in 1713 — sensible enough at a time of high expenditure but not fair to allies nor likely to allow the British negotiators to gain the largest possible amount at the bargaining table .
24 The necessary legislation — enabling the government to buy compulsorily at a price of its choosing — was pushed through last year .
25 Eisenhower subsequently did so at a meeting with the Shah in Washington .
26 Many were reportedly angered by the Amir 's decision to restore the National Council despite their request not to do so at a meeting on May 28 between opposition leaders and government ministers .
27 Fairbanks found that when sea level first began to rise as the ice sheets melted , 17,000 years ago , it did so at a rate of about 4mm per year .
28 Clinical investigations produced evidence that 75% of the women questioned who developed cellulite , did so at a time of hormonal change .
29 Moreover , if the tables are to be turned , the USSR will do so at a time of her choosing , rather than wait for the hour of maximum danger to herself .
30 She pinned old movie stills to the black beams so that the guests could play at guessing what they were from and gazed for too long at a film-still of Peter Finch and a male lover , pondering the nature of sexual passion .
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