Example sentences of "[adv] at [art] time [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I did n't think so at the time but when I think of it you know , and later when I came back after the war we , oh my God !
2 If you wish to apply for such a pass , please do so at the time or order , giving the following details and indicate whether or not your order is dependent on the allocation of a Vehicle Pass : Date required , Vehicle registration number , Vehicle type , Drivers ’ name or organisation , Number of persons with disabilities and total number of passengers .
3 I have not said clear away , it is not the end of the lesson and some of you have not worked hard enough to make the end of the lesson now if you do n't want to make the whole poem rhyme , what you might want to do is to put two lines together at a time and have those rhyming , paired rhymes , rhyming couplets , you can do that .
4 A lrge percentage of the parachutes used by British airborne servicemen were inside at the time and destroyed at a cost of more than nineteen million pounds .
5 Poor Jasper happened to be curled up asleep some five feet away at the time and was rudely awakened .
6 ‘ That is what Martin says ; he was some distance away at the time and was n't able to see who it was . ’
7 Such socialising had significance not just at the time but for the future , for table-fellowship was , in Jesus ' thinking , an anticipation of that great feast which will mark the consummation of the Kingdom .
8 This may cost more at the time but could save a good deal of money in the long run .
9 This chapter investigates how that world appeared to the players and the lookers on , both at the time and afterwards .
10 Something was happening in Britain that allowed the period to be plausibly described , both at the time and later , as permissive .
11 Explanations both at the time and later have tended to point to assumptions about the lower needs of women , irrespective of the work they were doing .
12 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
13 The structure of Liberal argument , both at the time and as it has come down to us in modern land law texts , is thus built upon two suppositions .
14 I could n't explain it very well at the time and I still ca n't .
15 That said it was going very strongly at the time and there was much speculation amongst linesiders as to how No 7819 Hinton Manor would tackle the 1 in 52 climb to Talerddig summit .
16 I was n't there at the time and I 'm damned if they 're going to top me for your brothers .
17 Add the cream a little at a time and finally add the freshly chopped herbs .
18 Gradually beat in the sifted icing sugar , adding a little at a time and mixing until well incorporated .
19 Furthermore their activities at the rarefied levels of Petrograd and Moscow often had very little impact , either at the time or subsequently , on the masses and on provincial life .
20 Erm now erm a number of people erm , getting on t back on to the handout for a moment , er a number of people who 've reported being b abused as children also report that they do try and tell people , either at the time or shortly afterwards , and this business of not being believed is quite a common report from survivors , not being believed at first .
21 He got off too lightly at the time and history has not brought his memory to full justice .
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