Example sentences of "[adv] he had been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently he had been devising procedural systems for years , but nobody used them and everybody laughed at him .
2 He did not know how long he had been sleeping but woke up hungry and decided to sneak into the kitchens for a tin of soup .
3 Ledeen noticed that the official was looking unusually tanned ; perhaps he had been skiing ?
4 He was speaking rather excitedly , and I thought perhaps he had been drinking .
5 It occurred to her that perhaps he had been drinking again .
6 Perhaps he had been trying to pluck up courage to tell Wycliffe himself .
7 Perhaps he had been standing at that spot , gazing out over the river towards the mountains or maybe with bowed head , grieving for his lover .
8 The book was all he had been waiting for , and all was going according to plan .
9 Obviously he had been listening to the battle .
10 So he had been listening .
11 Darren had always been a good and well-behaved boy but once he had returned home he had been waking repeatedly in the night and been difficult to manage in the day .
12 A moment later he had been dragging her , tray and all , through one of the doors into the vast ballroom .
13 Until now he had been using one loaned to him by Christian .
14 For several weeks now he had been chipping away at this problem of finding Elsie , slowly nagging it into submission .
15 Who would ever guess from the benign expression on his face that just a moment ago he had been exploding with anger ?
16 He had retired to NZ after a long career in education and publishing with Schofield & Sims , Collins Educational and Holmes McDougall , where latterly he had been publishing director .
17 A minute earlier he had been feeling sorry for the men who were still out on house-to-house questioning .
18 Since then he had been trying to write the second book .
19 Up until then he had been acting temporarily in the post , awaiting the arrival of a more experienced businessman .
20 Since then he had been farming at Mullu , some fifteen miles outside Addis Ababa .
21 He had thus seldom been cooler or more controlled than now , as he told McGann that yes indeed he had been travelling , and no , it was none of the Society 's business where or about what pursuit .
22 This was partly because Picasso , like Braque , was at this time working largely from memory ; indeed he had been doing so for the past three years .
23 Previously he had been discussing the case of charging a trust on a debtor .
24 Previously he had been working as Senior Designer with Firth Carpets with whom he had gained eleven years experience .
25 Evidently he had been expecting Hazel to speak first and was somewhat at a loss .
26 For my father had opened his curtains and was sitting , shaved and in full uniform , on the edge of his bed from where evidently he had been watching the sky turn to dawn .
27 The consequent reduction in his income had meant that he could not afford to run a car any longer , and therefore he had been seeing less and less of his girlfriend , who lived 15 miles away .
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