Example sentences of "[adv] be in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Going somewhere ? ’ he asked politely ; the quiet voice held hidden traps , warning her that the answer had better be in the negative .
2 European reaction to the sale has been muted ; one London auction house expert pointed to the poor quality of a number of the items illustrated in the publicity material ( items which will apparently be in the sale ) , several of which date to the early years of this century .
3 Mitterrand also said that French aid to the least developed countries , those with a national average annual income of less than US$500 per head , would henceforth be in the form of outright grants .
4 A hovering PRO will only be in the way .
5 You — you have business to attend to — and I should only be in the way . ’
6 However , where the transaction is incidental to the business , it will only be in the course of a business if there is the required degree of regularity .
7 Admittedly , the net pay that could be expected in the carbonates is relatively small , ( perhaps only 10–20 m ) and therefore the potential reserves that could be expected might only be in the order of 10–50 Bcf .
8 DGX is aiming at increasing its current budget of ECU95 million by about 30% , but after negotiations with member states it may well only be in the region of 15% .
9 They last between half and two seconds and while their amplitude may only be in the region of 50 microvolts , they may be as large as 250 microvolts from peak to trough ( see Fig. 2.6 ) .
10 Such an ascription of effect to cause could only be in the form of hypotheses , of varying degrees of face plausibility .
11 But I 've decided that I 'll only be in the band as long as I 'm doing other things as well as .
12 Other parties not completely in agreement with the proposals include the Highland Regional Council , which would lose some control in the designated areas , and the Scottish National Party , which feels that parks would not necessarily be in the interests of either the nation or the environment .
13 The effect of this requirement is probably in practice to make the power unusable in many cases , as unless the prosecution anticipate that the court will wish to make such an order , it will not be equipped with the necessary evidence , particularly as the car will not necessarily be in the possession of the police at this stage , and the court will be faced with an adjournment if it wishes to proceed with an order .
14 It may not necessarily be in the gearbox it could be a universal joint seized , a wheel bearing or many other items .
15 If you take your detector to these areas regularly you will soon be in the money .
16 Brother Luke has asked his congregation to pray for the Council to change its mind … other wise he could soon be in the doghouse over his coal house .
17 Two more records , an LP from the avant garde group Psychic TV and a sound-effects disc from CBS , should soon be in the shops .
18 They will no longer be in the running .
19 Second , there is the issue of the method for appointing the leader of the Labour Party and the idea that this should no longer be in the gift of the parliamentary party alone .
20 ‘ There will be a storm before long , ’ Michael said , ‘ we 'd best be in the Tower . ’
21 we 'll show you now how to put on a pressure bandage for severe bleeding and then we 'll put the film on and you can see the whole lot again , okay , so just be in the room if you just push and push and push on the window and er the hand has gone through the window , right , and there 's no glass imbedded but it 's cut right across the palm and the reason that we show you this one is because the artery that feeds all these fingers comes and the thumb comes up in an arch like that okay , so the artery comes down , up in an arch across the palm of the hand , so the fingers and thumb all get a blood supply , so when you cut the palm of your hand there is a lot of blood pumping out , okay , so what 's the first thing I 'd tell her to do ?
22 Therefore , it follows logically that it will normally be in the interests of the TNCs to try to create the market for their standard products in new locations irrespective of the perceived social needs of the indigenous populations , as Levitt ( 1983 ) persuasively argues .
23 To set the boat up , the butt of the mast should normally be in the position furthest forward .
24 Whether a field officer works from his area office ( in the southern authority ) or from home ( in the northern ) , contact with colleagues will normally be in the office , which he will visit every day , even during those occasional hectic days out in the field when he has to catch up on his sampling schedule .
25 When the market is buoyant , it will normally be in the vendor 's interest to sell at auction .
26 For most modules the mean mark will normally be in the low to middle 50s and if there are more than 30 students the standard deviation will tend to be between 10 and 20 .
27 However , at Foxton they are side-aligned ‘ pounds ’ rather than ‘ ponds ’ , designed to maintain a water supply to each lock , and contain the water which would normally be in the pound between each lock .
28 Since OCLC already have records from Missouri and New York Botanic Garden Libraries , I realised that a large proportion of our records would therefore already be in the OCLC system , and buying-in existing data is much cheaper than creating it as new records .
29 If it is necessary to bespeak : ( 1 ) affidavits , then their index number , series , by whom sworn , and date of filing , should be provided ; ( 2 ) other documents , such as writ , appearance , Legal Aid Certificate , Orders ( though all of these might already be in the possession of the solicitor in sealed or photographic copies ) — filing number and year should be given .
30 Make sure you get the instructions for your brand : they will usually be in the catalogue if not supplied ( as they should be ) with the fittings .
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