Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Any gas flowing inward across the OLR will naturally be driven by the bar into the region within a few hundred parsecs of the nucleus , the region of the molecular disk .
2 Although input will now obviously be curtailed by the absence of the crews in London and the students on vacation , any good ideas arising will be incorporated into the plan for presentation to the Annual General Meeting in November .
3 In deciding " public policy " , he will obviously be influenced by the outlook of the political party of which he is a member , and by the values of the profession which he leads .
4 Clause 3.2 and the first part of cl 3.3 of Precedent 2 cover the same principles , but , as would obviously be preferred by the buyer , in cl 3.3 the procedures are more flexible , and the buyer 's rights are somewhat greater .
5 For , as has been suggested in the texts reviewed , the old paradigms may merely be replaced by a new form of determinism , this time based on space .
6 This effect can not merely be explained by a conceivable depletion of TBP , because transcription of the classical pol III genes requires only a very low amount of TBP ( 6 ; and our own unpublished results ) , the presence of which could be verified by western-blot analysis of hTFIIIB and hTFIIIC containing fractions used for the assay ( our unpublished results ) .
7 It was not , of course , the first time that she had exercised the powers of Regent , but on this particular occasion she knew that she would have to deal with a new constitutional structure in which it was envisaged that she would merely be informed by the Ministers and would take no decisions on her own .
8 Such progression may of course merely be preempted by the worse prognosis of HIV disease itself .
9 Any proposal to pay by instalment should only be accepted by the haulier if accompanied by some immediate payment ; otherwise it has no value .
10 ( 3 ) Such restrictions as are accepted may only be accepted by the vendors , their associated companies or by individuals .
11 A circular aperture has an area proportional to the square of its diameter , so doubling the aperture diameter increases the image illumination by a factor of four ; to double the illumination , the diameter need only be increased by a factor of 2 .
12 This bond can only be broken by a crime , and that kind of crime brings it 's punishment . ’
13 ‘ Its success can only be ensured by a maximum effort from all those willing and able to work to that end .
14 While welcoming in principle the SIB 's recent proposals for simplification of the rules , Mr Bell said : ‘ Any changes , no matter how desirable , must however be implemented sensibly in order not to increase unnecessarily the already considerable costs of the regime , which in our case can only be borne by the policy holders . ’
15 As for confession , which had been allowed to laymen , this was to be undertaken only when the penitent was in mortal danger : the emphasis now was not on contrition but on absolution which could only be given by a priest .
16 Without probate of the will or letters of administration , neither executor nor administrator can take any steps in any other court of law , for the executor 's proof of his title , and the administrator 's title itself , can only be given by the Ecclesiastical Court .
17 Speake has commented that : ‘ Patronage to support and pay a goldsmith or craftsman who utilised such expensive materials as gold , silver and garnet , could only be given by the ‘ top people ’ in Anglo-Saxon society' ( 1980 , p. 39 ) .
18 The statement that the actions we ought to do are those which promote the general happiness would be useless if it meant nothing more than that they do promote it , and that something more can only be given by an intuition .
19 Nyman and Silberston , while making use of fixed percentages , also insist that the location of control can only be discovered by a case by case approach .
20 Museums are at an advantage in making close examination of works in their own collections showing evidence about a picture , say , which can only be discovered by the newest scientific and technological methods .
21 There would also be limits on coverage of uninsured deposits of more than $100,000 , as a means of reducing taxpayer exposure to losses from wealthy individuals holding multiple accounts and to deter risk taking ; in future uninsured deposits would only be covered by the FDIC if this was the least costly measure , and in rare cases of high risk by the Treasury and Federal Reserve .
22 As the people of Uganda retained strong local loyalties , the arrangements could only be replaced by the type of authoritarian regime which Obote now introduced .
23 The repeated blindnesses of critics can only be explained by a deep dissatisfaction in them with the very data of ‘ fairy-story ’ , an inhibition against accepting the conventions of romance .
24 The high prices for such things could only be explained by a separate blurb which claimed meat from ‘ English rare breeds ’ and a lot of stuff about natural rearing and hand finishing ( a bonus , I pointed out to my guest , a Texan with special interests in T.S .
25 But their actions can only be explained by the infinitely complex interaction between general causes — economic , social , cultural and ideological — and their individual personalities , moulded by a particular experience of childhood and maturity .
26 Options are not transferable and may only be exercised by the persons to whom they were granted or their personal representatives .
27 Paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) provide a power to rectify that can only be exercised by the court .
28 There is one area in which costing systems can do no more than provide the raw data , and that is in the treatment of overruns , variations and claims , which can often only be quantified by a detailed interpretation of the data recorded in the system .
29 But he has submitted that non-litigation costs are not subject to taxation and can only be quantified by the taking of an account , with or without supplementary inquiries .
30 Under the RSC ( Amendment No 4 ) Order 1989 which amends Ord 6 , r8 , writs issued on or after 4 June 1990 may only be renewed by the court for a maximum of four months at any one time , unless the court is satisfied that it may not be possible , despite all reasonable efforts , to serve the writ within four months , in which case renewal of up to 12 months may be ordered .
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