Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is likely to apply particularly to concepts , which can be understood on a number of levels , while skills are generally easier to specify as they are procedures carried out in practice and are therefore more " visible " , whereas pupils ' understanding of concepts and strategies can only be inferred from behaviour .
2 The Chancellor was to be elected by a majority of the Bundestag to act as the head of the executive , and could only be removed from office by a ‘ constructive vote of no confidence ’ : that is , if the Bundestag voted a Chancellor out , they also had to put forward an alternative to replace him .
3 He is not a civil servant but is a direct Crown appointee who can only be removed from office by an address from both Houses of Parliament .
4 Thus administrative receivers must be qualified to act as insolvency practitioners and can only be removed from office by the court .
5 The President might only be removed from office by the Congress of People 's Deputies in the event of his violating the Constitution or the law .
6 Therefore , because it is unlikely that there will ever be revised editions , and because I should just hate to see my name on anything that could not be relied on , the probability is that the books will progressively be withdrawn from publication after a currency of a few years . ’
7 One-fifth of the electricity in Brazil 's Sao Paulo state could soon be generated from sugar cane , following an agreement between the state government and alcohol distilleries .
8 In other words , they could no longer be cushioned from reality , or protected from the need to compete and win .
9 Apart from needing internal return pipes of different lengths , the lid and powerhead could then just be moved from jar to jar .
10 This would normally be deducted from dividend income before calculating the income available for distribution to unit holders .
11 He said the growth in Britain was through the derivative crack , which could easily be made from cocaine and a readily available ingredient , and then smoked .
12 Can most easily be distinguished from Tree Pipit by voice ; legs of adult generally dark flesh-pink , hind claw longer ; those of immature and of Tree Pipit flesh-pink .
13 Having survived the milling crowds at the station platforms ( in which they might easily be separated from brother or sister ) , children often found themselves bundled onto a train , not knowing their destination , and then enduring a long , slow journey in cramped coaches with no corridors or toilets .
14 In this context Marxism furnishes its own distinctive teleology of the oppressed , which can easily be transposed from class to nation or ‘ race ’ .
15 This can most easily be appreciated from Fig. 6.2 .
16 These have a number of advantages : they are easy to use and set up , requiring little or no training of the operator , can often store pages graphically for retrieval later and can easily be switched from office to office .
17 These are not readily available from many retail outlets but can usually be ordered from specialist water garden nurseries .
18 In this case , subsistence requirements could still be met from cotton income , but as there appears to be no clearly demonstrated link between cash crop promotion and improvements in food crops to make up for the shortfall in the cropping area that results from giving over the land to cash crops , the issue of food security must be raised .
19 Vitamin deficiency Vitamin deficiency can only be properly diagnosed and treated by a doctor , but there are certain fairly obvious signs which should be noted , bearing in mind that an old person who is obese can still be suffering from malnutrition and vitamin deficiency through eating the wrong kinds of food .
20 Marriage breakdowns — if your partner has been paying the rent and leaves you , you may still be protected from eviction ; a solicitor will help .
21 If this story is regarded as a plausible one , it illustrates how a theory can always be protected from falsification by deflecting the falsification to some other part of the complex web of assumptions .
22 Or we will for Ever be Running from Place to Place .
23 Steps can also be made from paving slabs and bricks or blocks .
24 It can also be made from coal but in this case the syn-gas must be carefully purified to remove sulphur compounds which poison the catalyst .
25 It can also be made from coal but in this case the syn-gas must be carefully purified to remove sulphur compounds which poison the catalyst .
26 1807 " The Meeting having revised the Consideration of last year 's resolution respecting the Restriction as to the Liquor … now think that this restriction is not necessary … the Constables shall also be prohibited from Eating or Drinking at the Expence of the Publick . "
27 It can also be downloaded from Power Tower , Jim Bates 's bulletin board , and may be available from other magazines such as PC Magazine .
28 Tests should also be ridden from memory — callers are not allowed .
29 This can also be seen from Table l : when Y equals £40 million , J and W are equal at £16 million , and AD equals Y.
30 Tickets for performances at Abingdon may also be obtained from Centre Stage , 7A East St Helen Street , Abingdon ( telephone : Abingdon ( 0235 ) 554060 ) and from the Amey Hall after 5.30p.m. on performance days .
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