Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was pressed into the ranks of the northern army , ‘ whereby he might somewhat be instructed of the difference between the sitting quietly in his house , and the travail and danger which others daily do sustain' .
2 You 'd better be prepared for the hauntings , because hauntings is what you 'll bloody well get .
3 Their potential has already been recognised and exploited in other fields — schools will not so much be moving with the times as running to catch up .
4 Although the numbers will not apparently be limited at the briefings , a notional limit may be set on the number of climbers admitted to the range on any one occasion .
5 It is like poetry : some people do not believe in its existence at all , others argue over whether certain arrangements of words are poetry or not : these zodiacs are as it were topographical poems , a poetic geography akin to legendary history , Like legends , with which they often link up , these poems in the landscape give an identity to a place , a personality which may especially be lacking in the urban wasteland of an area like the suburbs of London , so that the place is no longer just somewhere in the middle of nowhere that could be anywhere .
6 Parler 's influence can especially be seen in the vaulting , most particularly in the stellar designs of the Sacristy and Wenceslaus Chapel .
7 Industry will especially be looking to the polytechnics to provide a further and much needed stimulus to innovations already taking place in higher education ; in particular , in the development of mixed degree courses , modular courses coupled with practical experience , and of the sandwich system of education and training generally , and in the opening up of opportunities for women in all branches of higher education , not least science and technology .
8 There needs to be a link between the thesaurus and the data input screens for the database so that new terms can optionally be included in the thesaurus during indexing , and also reviewed later for completion of relationship indication .
9 I add my congratulations to my right hon. Friend and his team on what will rightly be seen in the country as an excellent result for Britain and Europe , especially on enlargement .
10 While Fountains Abbey , the great Gothic ruin set in beautiful parkland , could naturally be transferred to the National Trust given a suitable endowment ( who would provide the millions needed for that ? ) , and Westminster Abbey 's Chapter House could be entrusted to the Church of England , it is uncertain whether some of the less glamourous archaeological sites could be hived off to local councils without risk to their future .
11 Any gas flowing inward across the OLR will naturally be driven by the bar into the region within a few hundred parsecs of the nucleus , the region of the molecular disk .
12 The downward arpeggio in the last two bars will obviously be given to the clarinet , for besides the fact that it fits that instrument like a glove , it does not lie within the range of any other wind instrument .
13 Although input will now obviously be curtailed by the absence of the crews in London and the students on vacation , any good ideas arising will be incorporated into the plan for presentation to the Annual General Meeting in November .
14 The principle just formulated can quite obviously be applied to the infinitive of purpose : ( 33 ) He struggled to get free .
15 In deciding " public policy " , he will obviously be influenced by the outlook of the political party of which he is a member , and by the values of the profession which he leads .
16 In this context , I would argue that while the unleashing of widespread revolutionary activity in Latin America in the 1960s must obviously be attributed to the impact of the 1959 Cuban revolution , this event was essentially a catalyst , which supplied a model and a source of inspiration to a radicalised generation who were already looking for an alternative to the Soviet theory of ‘ revolution in stages ’ .
17 While the identical symmetric sections of an infinite ladder would obviously be loaded with the characteristic impedance , this is an impractical arrangement .
18 Clause 3.2 and the first part of cl 3.3 of Precedent 2 cover the same principles , but , as would obviously be preferred by the buyer , in cl 3.3 the procedures are more flexible , and the buyer 's rights are somewhat greater .
19 Although cost is said not to be an issue , corporate sales and marketing strategy for Teradata products , as for the rest of NCR 's offerings , will henceforth be decided in the US .
20 It was announced on Sept. 1 that the Albanian lek would henceforth be linked to the European currency unit at an initial rate of ECU1=30 leks ( US$1.00=25 leks ) .
21 OUP is pleased to announce that Volumes 1 and 2 of The Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English are having their sub-titles promoted and will henceforth be known as The Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms and The Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs .
22 At a congress on May 26 , 1990 , the Left Party-Communists ( Vänsterpartiet Kommunisterna — VpK ) voted by 136 votes to 133 to drop the word communist from its name ; it would henceforth be known as the Left Party .
23 English was , as it were , placed fully in the hands of the critic rather than the author , and the author would henceforth be admitted to the pantheon only on condition of a complete and " first-hand " revaluation .
24 September is the month when most of the new courses begin so be prepared for the enrolment days at your local college as they will be coming up soon .
25 The question of fundamental importance which arises is whether the court should entertain the proposition that an Act of Parliament can so be assailed in the courts that matters should proceed as though the Act or some part of it had never been passed .
26 In this way , words in a definition that represent senses inappropriate to a domain will be unlikely to overlap with the filter set , and so be excluded from the new definition .
27 It is in this sense that lawyers can also justly be characterised as the organic intellectuals of the bourgeoisie ( Gramsci 1971 , pp. 5–23 ) , thinking the class 's advance through a close institutional relationship with its day-to-day practical concerns .
28 Alison 's favours break down the boundaries of class ; any man who can lay her in his bed is like a lord , as Absolon says as he anticipates her kiss : Kolve 's interpretation of potentially religious images within the tale is fine as far as it goes , and can justly be quoted against the allegorizers , but there is at least one aspect of the tale that refers irreducibly to a moral frame within which the tale is set : recurrent swearing of oaths by " " Seint Thomas of Kent " " , which reminds us of the framing narrative with its realistic and morally symbolic journey towards Becket 's shrine in Canterbury and the judgement of the tale-telling game just as much as John 's calling upon St Frideswide locates the tale effectively within Oxford .
29 ‘ Chris ’ Nelson can justly be described as the Henry Ford of ice cream novelty production .
30 A credit for interest owed would not normally have been set up so the interest would be debited to the nominal account shown , which will then merely be transferred into the revenue account :
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