Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was pressed into the ranks of the northern army , ‘ whereby he might somewhat be instructed of the difference between the sitting quietly in his house , and the travail and danger which others daily do sustain' .
2 One aspect of these changes is the strengthening view that existing boundaries between education and training are artificial and that both can better be seen as a single , lifelong process offered in different ways , to different people at different times .
3 Although almost all working-class housing in the novel is of that type , since it can better be represented as a ‘ home ’ , it was for that very reason much too expensive for the very poor .
4 You 'd better be prepared for the hauntings , because hauntings is what you 'll bloody well get .
5 This mean that he probably do not wish to play as a central defender in the english premiership — central defenders in england are seldom allowed/seen going forward and ronny feels after playing three reserve games for spurs ( which is supposed to be a playing team … ) that this kind of futba does not suit him … so i guess he will be staying here — most of the top norw. players just think of one thing now — USA'94 and to be among the 24 that are travelling — and they choose club out from this : ie how much play will i get at my new club — better be going to a low-profile club in the premiership than a high profile club where i might have to sit on the bench ( Flo , Nilsen ( Sheff Utd ) , Halle , Pedersen ( Oldham ) , Fjortoft ( Swindon ) — will gets lot of play this winter — whereas players like Bjornebye ( Liverpool ) , Lydersen , ( Arsenal ) and Strandli ( Leeds ) struggle to keep/get places in their teams .
6 Given their present configuration , Opposition Front-Bench Members might better be described as a hot dog .
7 On the one hand he must cope with routines where the demand is for precise obedience to established instructions and on the other hand he might suddenly be faced with a need to respond in a creative manner totally outside any instructions .
8 The advertisers obviously wish to give the idea that their products are for blondes or light-skinned people only , or maybe that if you use their product you will suddenly be transformed into a seductive beauty with a string of young men at your fingertips .
9 Their potential has already been recognised and exploited in other fields — schools will not so much be moving with the times as running to catch up .
10 Although the numbers will not apparently be limited at the briefings , a notional limit may be set on the number of climbers admitted to the range on any one occasion .
11 It is like poetry : some people do not believe in its existence at all , others argue over whether certain arrangements of words are poetry or not : these zodiacs are as it were topographical poems , a poetic geography akin to legendary history , Like legends , with which they often link up , these poems in the landscape give an identity to a place , a personality which may especially be lacking in the urban wasteland of an area like the suburbs of London , so that the place is no longer just somewhere in the middle of nowhere that could be anywhere .
12 Parler 's influence can especially be seen in the vaulting , most particularly in the stellar designs of the Sacristy and Wenceslaus Chapel .
13 Industry will especially be looking to the polytechnics to provide a further and much needed stimulus to innovations already taking place in higher education ; in particular , in the development of mixed degree courses , modular courses coupled with practical experience , and of the sandwich system of education and training generally , and in the opening up of opportunities for women in all branches of higher education , not least science and technology .
14 There needs to be a link between the thesaurus and the data input screens for the database so that new terms can optionally be included in the thesaurus during indexing , and also reviewed later for completion of relationship indication .
15 Foreplay , for instance , can rightly be defined as an activity intended to culminate in sexual intercourse , which means an engaged couple should not have entered into this yet .
16 I add my congratulations to my right hon. Friend and his team on what will rightly be seen in the country as an excellent result for Britain and Europe , especially on enlargement .
17 For her earlier years , there are the famous Ronsard poems extolling her charm and beauty , along with those in similar vein by the man who was to become her most vicious detractor , the great Scottish scholar George Buchanan — exactly the kind of thing which would naturally be written about an attractive young queen .
18 While Fountains Abbey , the great Gothic ruin set in beautiful parkland , could naturally be transferred to the National Trust given a suitable endowment ( who would provide the millions needed for that ? ) , and Westminster Abbey 's Chapter House could be entrusted to the Church of England , it is uncertain whether some of the less glamourous archaeological sites could be hived off to local councils without risk to their future .
19 Also , once this perspective is established , any assurance from the other side of real interest in disarmament will naturally be seen as a trick , or at best as a propaganda move .
20 Thinking and perceiving , which might naturally be attributed to an incorporeal mind , are simply complex motions in matter .
21 Any gas flowing inward across the OLR will naturally be driven by the bar into the region within a few hundred parsecs of the nucleus , the region of the molecular disk .
22 The downward arpeggio in the last two bars will obviously be given to the clarinet , for besides the fact that it fits that instrument like a glove , it does not lie within the range of any other wind instrument .
23 Although input will now obviously be curtailed by the absence of the crews in London and the students on vacation , any good ideas arising will be incorporated into the plan for presentation to the Annual General Meeting in November .
24 The principle just formulated can quite obviously be applied to the infinitive of purpose : ( 33 ) He struggled to get free .
25 If the matrix event is felt to " control " the infinitive event 's realization , then the matrix event must obviously be conceived as a conditioning factor with respect to the latter , and therefore as logically prior to ( i.e. before ) the infinitive event .
26 In deciding " public policy " , he will obviously be influenced by the outlook of the political party of which he is a member , and by the values of the profession which he leads .
27 Monthly salaries will obviously be costed on a calendar month basis and with the exception of site-based staff the majority of salaries will probably be costed to overheads .
28 Many of the organisms that left fossil remains were of kinds now extinct , although some , like the trilobites , could obviously be placed into a phylum with many living representatives .
29 Rappaport 's diagram can obviously be used as a basis for commencing this analysis .
30 In this context , I would argue that while the unleashing of widespread revolutionary activity in Latin America in the 1960s must obviously be attributed to the impact of the 1959 Cuban revolution , this event was essentially a catalyst , which supplied a model and a source of inspiration to a radicalised generation who were already looking for an alternative to the Soviet theory of ‘ revolution in stages ’ .
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