Example sentences of "[adv] be [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Two or three years later he might suddenly be appointed a full-time magistrate , even though by that time he had probably forgotten all of the law which he had learnt .
2 Discount levels are determined according to aggregate purchases over three years and will apparently be policed every four months .
3 I have suggested that a meaningful way to set the limits as to what may rightly be called a Christian position , is that Christians are those who proclaim Jesus to have been unique .
4 In the 1950s he felt we could n't afford a new car , so be bought a prewar London taxi , and he and I built a Nissen hut as a garage .
5 For take-off the tail should only be raised a small amount .
6 With the current boom in interest in opera , though , this disc enters a very competitive field indeed and so , once again , can only be given a general recommendation .
7 It could only be given a new lease of life by grounding its themes in a transformed image of a much more efficient , modernised , client-centred public sector , to which Labour has not yet seriously directed itself .
8 The sentence can only be assigned the right truth conditions , or alternatively be given the correct semantic representation , if the pragmatic significance of and in this sentential context ( namely the " and then " interpretation ) is taken into account before doing the semantics .
9 Most potholes can only be seen a few yards ahead , and cars swerving without warning hardly contribute to road safety .
10 Each of the five judgments rambles over the territory in what can only be called a head-scratching way , making it impossible for the consumer of the judgment to know at the end just what the law is held to be , except negatively , and then only negatively on a few points .
11 Modern refining techniques mean that for every barrel of crude oil refined , there will be a split between diesel and petrol fuels that can only be varied a small amount .
12 Although they are mainly what would be called consolidating enactments in British practice , one which may perhaps be considered a genuine code is the regulation bringing together all the various Community rules on customs matters , in effect a Community Customs Code , on which the Council adopted a common position on 14 May 1992 .
13 The answer to the last of the three questions should perhaps be put the other way round .
14 The Clermont elections , if that is the right word , provide a startling insight into the appointment of bishops in a civitas , which , if it can scarcely be called an insignificant see , was certainly not one in the forefront of royal policy .
15 When he reached the age of 19 and married Mary of Gueldres in Holyrood abbey , James could no longer be denied the full authority of kingship .
16 The British citizen must no longer be denied the fair voting systems enjoyed by the citizens of every other European country .
17 Although the landscape did not disappoint me nearly as severely as it did Johnson — subsequent farmers have grown many trees , and in the distance a great house still touches the sky — Monboddo may no longer be considered a classical Scottish fortified house .
18 Thus , neither Latin American political developments nor Latin American suspicions of the USSR — although either or both may lie behind isolated set-backs to Soviet policy — can any longer be considered a significant factor in the overall development of commercial relations .
19 A prime minister might generally be considered the best candidate , but not if he has been dubbed ‘ the butcher of Beijing ’ .
20 Nevertheless , observers on what might broadly be called the left were generally very much opposed to the creation of enterprise zones ( Anderson , 1980 ; Massey , 1982 ) .
21 A visitor observing the activity inside a Citizens Advice Bureau may well be surprised at the amount of physical movement within the office when advice giving would normally be considered a sedentary job .
22 The bulk of the textile manufacturers in northern France at the same period were similarly children of what could already be considered the middle strata ; the bulk of the mid-nineteenth-century Nottingham hosiery manufacturers had similar origins , two-thirds of them actually coming from the hosiery trade .
23 Diplomacy could still be made an uncomfortable and even dangerous profession by the slowness and physical difficulty of communications and by the inconveniences of life in the smaller and more remote capitals .
24 Although an enormous amount of carefully buried crime can be unearthed by this liberal ‘ scientific ’ excavation work , we will still be denied an adequate view of those whose crimes and victimizing behaviours cause us most harm , injury , and deprivation .
25 The actor can play a different person each month and still be considered a good actor .
26 The emphasis is on beef but its milk yield remains adequate and it can still be considered a dual-purpose type .
27 Nevertheless , the ability of a British prime minister to decide the timing of a general election must still be considered a significant political advantage over opponents .
28 It means that lambs which have lost their parents , for reasons such as sheep worrying by dogs , can quickly be given a new mother .
29 You do not need to send your releases to everyone who might be interested if this is likely to delay getting them into the post ; that can always be done the next morning .
30 However , to remove this cause of dispute the year 1688 saw William & Mary " , by Royal Mines Act , repeal the old statutes , declaring that NO MINE of copper , tin , iron or lead would thereafter be adjudged a Royal Mine — even though gold or silver could be extracted from the ore .
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