Example sentences of "[adv] you [vb mod] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You must make sure that you deal ( and are seen to be dealing ) impartially with all aspects of your work , eg you must not wear items which may indicate political , controversial or other affiliations which might bring your impartiality into question .
2 Suddenly you could n't get away from him and his blooming career .
3 Apparently you ca n't miss , but only Brian Harley has got one so far , and this is mainly why he cleaned up on the Safari circuit .
4 They 've developed a camera for your line for th for the mackerel , for the ma marlin and the shark fishing erm and basically you can actually watch you can , you can ac you 've got a your T V screen so it , it 's er , it 's like a spectator sport as well cos you can actually watch the , the , the fish coming to take your bait .
5 Naturally you should not expect this to be a full consultation , but it should give you time to see how you relate to the particular therapist concerned and how much confidence you feel in him .
6 Naturally you will not want to make any commitment until you are certain that there is no chance he will change his mind and discover that it is after all you he loves .
7 Now there 's another thing questions what I 'm saying is that 's something to take away with you , or perhaps you wo n't get the chance er try now er .
8 Perhaps you wo n't get any sultanas now .
9 ABBERLEY : Perhaps you wo n't have to go far .
10 Then perhaps you wo n't lose some of the best people to someone else .
11 Perhaps you 'll soon find out ! ’
12 Er I 'll explain why it happened an and then perhaps you 'll hopefully find that you can forgive me , and er then I 'll go on and say one or two of the things that I was gon na say this morning but er did n't .
13 Perhaps you might even feel like not dieting for one or two days .
14 Perhaps you might even allow me to borrow one of your people as a guide around the city .
15 Perhaps you might even know where I might get some made .
16 But as you are , perhaps you might just do it in silence . ’
17 Perhaps you would both like to see your rooms and sort out your possessions , ’ he murmured quietly and Maggie nodded impatiently .
18 Perhaps you would kindly sign and return the enclosed copy of this letter by way of receipt .
19 The palace kitchen is huge — if I described it , with its great pots on the fire and the mountains of food on the tables , perhaps you would not believe me .
20 I knew he could succeed where perhaps you would not believe me . ’
21 I think perhaps you would not like me to discuss your lady friends . ’
22 Well perhaps you would n't bother with that .
23 Well , now that I 've tracked you down , perhaps you would n't mind letting me in on the key to all this mystery .
24 I am going to be away Thurs–Sun this week ( Roland , my brother , is getting married and I 'm to be bridesmaid ) but perhaps you would n't mind giving me a ring sometime ?
25 ‘ Talking about work , as we were just a moment ago … perhaps you would n't mind explaining to me why you want to reject some of the new designs I 've just shown you ? ’
26 ‘ But perhaps you would n't mind something a bit stronger ?
27 Perhaps you would n't mind enlightening me as to what you 're planning ? ’
28 But , since she was his guest and would have to eat something , she looked hopelessly at the menu again , and smilingly suggested , ‘ Perhaps you would n't mind ordering for me . ’
29 Can can I just add sir o one point I I in my in my preamble I said that we were sometimes able from a local point of view to take into account information locally that perhaps you would n't have got from further afield .
30 Perhaps you ca n't remember much about the crash .
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