Example sentences of "[adv] for the time be " in BNC.

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1 However , due to the limited capacities of the Committee it was recommended that the group should concentrate on running the centre more effectively for the time being and to engage management consultants to help it develop the capacity to run more complicated projects .
2 Kirov fell silent , knowing that he had said enough for the time being .
3 Is that enough for the time being ? — IM
4 One assassination is enough for the time being . ’
5 ‘ Nevertheless , my child , you must answer to something , if only for the time being . ’
6 And the mono thing worked ; we found it was a format we could really use well , so for the time being we 're carrying on down the path .
7 But at the age of twelve I knew that a falconry course was way beyond my means , so for the time being I had to be content with reading about it .
8 Being an MP still carried some weight ; he was PPS to a powerful minister at Defence , and the threat of the General Election had rolled away for the time being : he was someone to heed .
9 ‘ It 's just that the hospital do n't want you to have any visitors — not just for the time being .
10 To the people from the people who 've gone home ob we hope this 'll only be for a few days and some have gone er to other homes just for the time being .
11 Old Kewlany and his mate , as mystified as anyone , were set to work elsewhere for the time being .
12 After that everything between them became easy for the time being .
13 We can do no more for the time being , then , than acknowledge that a refined version of associative theory might be capable of dealing with features of latent inhibition that constitute problems for a theory which relies solely on the context — stimulus association for its explanation .
14 The result was that the story was set aside for the time being .
15 Leaving aside for the time being the question of ‘ hostile intent , ’ it is plain that it is not enough that the defendant deliberately does an act that has the incidental effect of obstructing the police ; he must also have some notion that he is obstructing and causing the police difficulties .
16 We should leave the neutrionors aside for the time being .
17 12.3 In the event that any such dispute or difference can not be settled amicably the matter in dispute or difference may be referred by any of the Parties to a single arbitrator to be appointed by the Parties hereto or failing agreement within 28 days after being requested to concur in such appointment , according to the provisions of the Arbitration Acts , 1950 and 1979 or any statuary re-enactment or amendment thereof for the time being in force shall apply thereto .
18 20.1 In the case of any dispute or difference arising between the parties hereto relating to this Agreement or any matter arising therefrom or incidental thereto the same may be submitted to the arbitration of a single arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of the United Kingdom Arbitration Act 1979 or any statutory modification thereof for the time being in force .
19 " Item whereas there is Sixscore pounds due unto mee by Roger Harper and Johnn Barrett Payable at Certen Dayes and tymes agreed uponn betweene us , My mynde and will ys That the Somme of Fortye pounds being a Thirdd parte of the sayd Sixscore pounds shall be and remayne to the augmentacion and increase of the wages of the Schoolemaster of Stockport for the tyme beinge , for ever , to be hadd and receaved at suche dayes and tymes as the same shall bee due , And further I do will and bequeath the sume of Tenn pounds for and towards the augmenting of the Schoolmasters wages afforesayd to make upp the sayd sume of Fortye pounds the Full sume of Fyftie pounds All the sayd Sume to be Imployed and used for the benefit of the Schoolemaster afforesayde by the Parsonn of Stockporte the Maior of Stockport and the most Auncyent Alderman thereof for the time being .
20 ( 4 ) In this Clause ‘ the Act ’ means the Companies Act 1985 as amended by the Companies Act 1989 and ‘ the AJA ’ means the Administration of Justice Act 1985 as amended by Schedule 18 , paragraph 54 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 , but so that any reference in this Clause to any provision of the Act or the AJA shall be deemed to include a reference to any statutory modification or re-enactment of that provision for the time being in force and the reference to the Solicitors Act 1974 shall be deemed to include a reference to any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force .
21 ( 5 ) In this Clause ‘ the Rules ’ means the Solicitors ' Incorporated Practice Rules 1988 or any modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force .
22 ( 4 ) In this Clause ‘ the Act ’ means the Companies Act 1985 as amended by the Companies Act 1989 and ‘ the AJA ’ means the Administration of Justice Act 1985 as amended by Schedule 18 , paragraph 54 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 , but so that any reference in this Clause to any provision of the Act or the AJA shall be deemed to include a reference to any statutory modification or re-enactment of that provision for the time being in force and the reference to the Solicitors Act 1974 shall be deemed to include a reference to any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force .
23 ( 5 ) In this Clause ‘ the Rules ’ means the Solicitors ' Incorporated Practice Rules 1988 or any modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force .
24 In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto concerning any matter of thing arising under this agreement such dispute or difference shall be referred to an independent surveyor agreed between the parties hereto or in default of agreement to a surveyor appointed for the purpose on the application of either party by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who shall act as an arbitrator pursuant to the Arbitration Acts 1950 to 1979 or any statutory re-enactment thereof for the time being in force
25 Southbound looks pretty slow heading into those roadworks as well for the time being .
26 Well for the time being
27 Well for the time being
28 I am happy here for the time being but want the chance to move on to bigger things in the future . ’
29 ‘ You 'll have to go in here for the time being . ’
30 ‘ Put your things in here for the time being , ’ she said , pushing open the door to the living-room .
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