Example sentences of "[adv] is the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Dr Ritchie said he always very happy to help but added : ‘ What does concern me somewhat is the transfer of these patients .
2 Opposite is the Church of Our Lady of Unceasing Succour at the Theatines , 1697–1717 , possibly designed by J. B. Mathey , with its façade completed by Santini .
3 Opposite is the village of Ermatingen , and above it , Schloss Arenenberg , where Hortense de Beauharnais , former wife of Louis Bonaparte , king of Holland , lived from 1818 with her son , the future Napoleon III of France .
4 Opposite is the site of the house belonging to the painter Karel Škréta .
5 Even better is the possibility of testing things out .
6 This is a pity , since moving together is the essence of safe , quick alpine mountaineering .
7 A few miles outside Moscow on a ridge of hills sloping steeply down to the river Moskva below is the Church of the Decapitation of S. John the Baptist at Dyakovo ( 245 ) , which is only about a mile away across the trees and woods from the unusual Church of the Ascension at Kolomenskoe ( Chapter 5 , Fig. 560 ) .
8 Below is the story of a Bengali family in the East End who did not ( Guardian 6.6.77 ) :
9 However , vibration of sounds at 800 cycles per second and below is the limit of information , the vibrator picks up unwanted sounds which may drown the signals which you want to receive .
10 Set out below is the form of a lock-out clause which could be used in a heads of agreement .
11 More revealing perhaps is the number of horses he ran during those two winters .
12 The most recent perhaps is the emergence of terrorism , and not only in , or connected with , Northern Ireland ( where incidentally capital punishment is available ) .
13 In midstream is the island of Werd .
14 Whether an individual member of the class can sue depends upon the size of the class and the nature of the comment : there must be something in the circumstances to make the ordinary reader feel that the plaintiff personally is the target of the criticism .
15 The stone-built kitchen hut which stands alone is the hub of the house .
16 The other relationship is that of practice and consciousness that considered alone is the product of humankind 's free will .
17 The price of bread is rising , and so is the price of meat — all commodities which are necessary for the people 's welfare " .
18 of the currant bun is down five P and for a period so is the price of the Mirror newspaper .
19 Trying to do so is the equivalent of adding oranges and lemons .
20 So is the continuation of its lease on Subic Bay and Clark Air Base .
21 Just as the Home Secretary is inhibited in policy making by Parliament , his party , public opinion , the judiciary and the courts , so is the freedom of action of the Home Office restricted within the Whitehall bureaucracy .
22 The cost of this do-it-yourself solution is coming down , and so is the size of the package .
23 Just as the interpretation of individual lexical items is constrained by co-text , so is the interpretation of utterances within a discourse .
24 When that distinction is eroded , so is the possibility of loyal opposition .
25 So is the range of the gifts , which included not only items of direct utility to a church , such as the ecclesiastical vestments and bells received by St Cuthbert , but also objects whose chief characteristic was that they had belonged to the king , like Æthelstan 's cap and Edgar 's cloak .
26 Joyous fellowship , too , is a mark of the new life which the Spirit initiates in us ( 1:3,4 ) , and so is the experience of answered prayer ( 5:14 ) .
27 So is the history of some other non-European areas — African history ; the history of the British Empire and Commonwealth ( particularly Australia ) , modern India , China and Japan .
28 So is the cost of wine .
29 Even drinking in a public bar may be considered to be solitary if the principal reason for doing so is the consumption of alcohol rather than for specific social contact .
30 Just as camouflage is used by both sides in the contests between hunters and hunted , so is the technique of baiting .
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